Race How-To
You Too Can Be a Drag Racer
by Doug Dutra
you have been reading about all the fun and excitement the
Slant 6 racers are having beating-up on V-8 cars, but you
don't know the first thing about drag strips or bracket
racing. Well, we're gonna give you a real break and get you
enough information to keep you from looking like this is
your first time through the quarter mile. By following the
basic steps outlined here, you will have the necessary
information to get out there and give the sport of Drag
Racing a try, without becoming an unwilling comedian your
first time out. Who knows, this may pave the way toward
another successful drag racing career! (Just remember who
saved you from utter humiliation!)

For starters, study the illustrations shown here taking
note of where all the really important stuff is at the race
track. (For a better look, click on the image.) Here's where
the really important stuff is at the race track. Places
falling into this category include:
- the entrance gate for the racers (this can
be different from the spectator's gate)
- the Tech Inspection area
- the staging lanes (which are usually
assigned to certain class cars, to line-up
together in certain lanes)
- the water box for your burnouts (if
- the starting area
- the finish line and speed trap (it's a
bigger area than you think)
- the shack where you'll pick up your time
- the water tap and oil disposal drums (in
case you need them)
Once your find the competitor's gate, you'll pay your money
to enter the race, or if you are pre-registered, just pick
up your credentials. (Pre-registering is nice to do, saves a
bunch of waiting.) When entering the gate, it is always good
to ask where you can "pit" (park your car) and what the Tech
Inspection process is. Some tracks will give you a Tech card
right at the entrance, others will tell you to "purchase"
one elsewhere. Either way, you will need to get a Tech card,
fill it out and go to the Tech Inspection area to have your
car "looked-over". To pass Tech your car will
- a radiator overflow "catch-can" (1 quart or
- a battery hold-down strap
- no hubcaps or wheel covers (they don't want them
- all the wheel studs & lug nuts (they don't want
wheels flying-off either!)
- seat belts
Some picky Tech Inspectors will also check for metal or
steel braided fuel lines and dual throttle return springs
(two springs). If your car is a convertible or runs faster
than 14.00 (i.e. 13.99 or better) then you will need a
helmet. Bottom line is that the track wants you and your car
to be safe. This means no bald tires, no obvious leaks, no
cars full of all kinds of junk (tools, tires, trash on the
floor, etc.). A factory original (unmolested) slant - 6 car
with the wheel covers removed, a catch-can and second
throttle return spring added should pass Tech without a
hitch. In the end, it is the Tech Inspector who will decide
whether or not you've followed the rules set forth in the
book pertaining to this year's competition rules for NHRA,
IRA, or whatever organization is sanctioning your race. (Be
professional and
nice to these inspectors and life will be easier, be a smart
ass and you may not get to race). If you pass, he will put a
sticker or write a number on your car for that event only.
Like frequent travelers, some racers like to leave these
stickers on from race to race, like airline luggage tags,
until the entire side window or roll cage is covered. You
can decide the best way to display your collection.
When you first come through the competitor's gate, the
track will have given you a schedule for the event. Check to
see when you can make your time-trial passes. It is also a
good idea to pit where you can hear the public address (PA)
loudspeakers. This way you can hear them "call" for the
class of cars they are running next. Many tracks have an
FM radio channel broadcasting the PA so bring a small
FM radio and a headset. Veteran racers have a good "feel"
for how much time they will have between racing rounds so
they do not get right back into the staging lanes after
making a run. Instead, they will "pit",
check or "tweak" the car, talk with other racers, watch some
of the racing action or just grab a bite to eat or a drink.
Once you pull your car back into the staging lanes you must
stay ready to jump in it and run so stay near your car. When
in the staging lanes, DO NOT lock up your car and go to the
snack bar!
When making practice passes you should run as hard as
possible so you can get a baseline for the track and your
car. If it's not a big national points meet, you will be
able to make several time trial passes combined with some
waiting time between runs, allowing you time to do a little
checking, tuning and tweaking if needed . (Actually, it's
best to do this kind of tuning during a "Test & Tune"
session instead of during an actual event.) Go for a
consistent performance instead of trying to put on a big
show or thrash the car to death. Remember, bracket racing is
won with consistency, not raw horsepower.
Once you've had some baseline practice runs, it's time to
go gambling. What you're about to do is bet you can run
slightly SLOWER than your stated "dial-in" and therefore win
the race. Sound backwards? Welcome to bracket racing, the
Rubik's Cube of drag racing competition. On your last time
trial pass, when you stop at the timing shack to pick up
your time slip, you'll be asked what e.t. you'd like to dial
in. Translated, they're asking you what you think you can
run consistently.
you give them a time (which they'll write on your windshield
/ window with shoe polish) and run faster, you'll lose by
"breaking-out", unless the guy you're racing also breaks out
and does it to a greater degree. In other words, if you
"break out" (run under) by one-tenth and the other guy
breaks out by two-tenths, you'll win because he was farther
under his dial in. You should go back and read this
paragraph a few more times to be sure you understand what's
happening here because this is the key to bracket racing.
Also note that the elapsed time you dial-in at is NOT set in
stone. If the weather changes or one lane is running faster
than the other, racers will change their dial-in time to
compensate round to round. (This is why you should have your
own shoe polish handy.) Always be sure your selected dial-in
time is written clearly and in a place where the tower and
starting line workers can see it. Your time should be
written on the passenger side of the front windshield and on
the side passenger window. (Two places minimum) It is the
RACER'S responsibility to be sure the correct dial-in time
gets entered into the computer for the run. That's right,
you need to look at the finish line score board or the
starting line display (if the track has one) to be sure
dial-in time has been seen and entered-in correctly. If it
is not correct, DO NOT STAGE THE CAR and
point-out the problem to the starting line workers. (Now you
see why you want to write the numbers clearly!)
Let's regress for a minute. We are figuring it is your
first time out to the drag strip and we haven't told you
about staging and the "Starting Tree". This is how the
starting line environment works. You will be lined up behind
several other racers and will be motioned out of the staging
lanes by a track worker when it's your turn to run. Pay
close attention to these track workers and follow their hand
signals. (Basic pull forward, stop, or go to that lane hand
signals.) At smaller events, you might have to wing it.
Whatever you do, don't do anything rash at this point or
you'll risk being tossed out of the track. The drag strip
will have a burnout area about 40 or 50 feet behind the
starting line. The
area usually has a shallow concrete trough with a little
water in it and if you're running drag slicks, the idea is
to position your car so the rear wheels are in the trough.
Whatever you do, don't start your burnout until the starting
line person or a track worker motions you to do so. They
will want you to wait until the cars in front of you leave
the starting line and have cleared the area. A burnout is
NOT a good idea for most street tires because they give
better traction cold, so if you are a beginner bracket
racer, running on street tires, don't complicate your
starting line procedure with a big smoky burn-out. You would
be best advised to drive AROUND the water and get the car
positioned in the center of your assigned lane,
with the wheels pointed straight. If you leave enough room,
you may want to do a quick "throttle punch" just to get a
feel for the starting line's traction. If you get immediate
wheel spin you will know to take it easy at the start of the
race. Watch some of the other racer's technique for pointers
on the staging process, but remember, just because all those
fancy race cars with slicks do burn-outs, it does not mean
that you have to do one too.
Take a minute before you make your first pass to look at
the Christmas Tree. At the top, you will see a vertical pair
of amber bulbs marked "Pre-stage" and "Stage". They are
either illuminated or dark, depending
on whether or not a pair of photocells across the starting
line (at near ground level) can "see" a pair of spotlights
on the opposite side of the lane. (By the way, on the
starting line, the cells are in the middle of the track and
the lights are outboard, it's exactly opposite at the finish
line. Light bulbs are cheaper than photocells and if you
drive over anything at the finish line, the track wants it
to be lights instead of photocells.) Pulling up to the
starting line, your front tires will first break the
"pre-stage" beam, illuminating the top bulb. Roll exactly
eight inches
farther, and your tires will break the "stage" beam,
illuminating the second stage bulb. In NHRA competition, you
must have both staging bulbs illuminated before the starter
will begin the starting light sequence. "Deep staging," by
continuing to roll forward would turn off the "pre-stage"
bulb, leaving only the stage bulb lit, in effect, moving the
car closer to the actual starting (and finish) line. Some
events allow you to do this if you write "DEEP" on your
window. Doing this can help improve the reaction times of
slow reacting cars. Whatever technique you use, it is
important to stage your car in EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE every
time you come to the starting line. The best bet is to move
the car up into the staging
beams SLOWLY and stop right when the second "stage" light
comes on. Below the pre-stage and stage lights are three to
five amber flood lamps, then a green one and a red one, in
descending order. Typically, (although by no means always)
the amber and green bulbs will be lit at 0.5 second
intervals to start the race. Sometimes the interval is 0.4
seconds. If you're in doubt, ask the starter what the
interval is going to be. In e.t. bracket racing, the car
"dialing-in" the slower time will be allowed to go first by
the interval time difference between the respective
dial-ins. Theoretically this "handicap" start will allow for
a perfectly matched race at the finish line. It's a
idea to look over at your opponent's car to see what his
dial-in is so you'll know if you're going to sit for a
second or two, or if you'll be expected to leave first.
Sometimes, a small amber signal light, placed between the
larger amber floodlights, will be lit to show the driver in
the faster car, (in whose lane the small light is shining),
who should stay put while the slower car gets the green
light first. Most of the time an SL6 car will be slower so
it will get the green first.
Here is a great tip: DO NOT hang around the starting line
until you see the green light come on. This will result in a
slow starting line reaction time and you'll probably end up
losing the race. Remember that the cars have been more or
less "equalized" by the handicap start so this means that
the race will be won by the driver who can get his car to
"leave" first (without "red lighting"). The idea is to
position your car on the starting line so you can gas it
when the LAST amber light comes on and move off the line
without illuminating the infamous red light bulb, which
would indicate you came out of the starting beams before the
green light. According to the NHRA rule book, even if your
opponent breaks out after you red-light, you still lose
because you screwed-up first. Your reaction time is recorded
from the time the last amber floodlight comes on and when
your car leaves the starting line beams. With a 0.5-second
Tree, any reaction time less than 0.5 means you lit the red
light. Drivers who are really good at e.t. bracket racing
can log consistent reaction times of 0.510 or less, meaning
their front tires clear the beam only 0.010-seconds after
the green comes on. This seemingly incredible skill is more
a function of the car's positioning on the starting line and
hours of practice rather than sheer
driving skill. With the proper conditioning, the driver only
needs nerves of steel and unwavering concentration in the
face of extreme mental pressure to get great reaction times
without red lighting.
When the race car and the track "starter" look like this,
you need to be focusing all your attention on those
Christmas Tree lights!
Once you have "launched" the car (left the starting line)
you will need to concern yourself with keeping the car
straight and shifting gears. This could be as easy as
keeping the gas pedal firmly pinned to the floor and letting
a properly adjusted automatic transmission in "Drive" shift
when it wants. If your A.T. will do this without over or
under revving the engine, then that will be the most
consistent and best way to get the shifting job done. If you
have to shift the gears yourself, then you will need a
tachometer so you can perform the shift at the same RPM
every time. (If you look in the race cars, they all have BIG
tachs with programmable shift lights to help them do this
CONSISTENTLY.) One thing you should know is that there is a
"centerline rule", if for any reason your car crosses the
track's centerline and into the other car's lane, you loose
instantly, just like a red light.
As you approach the finish line you will want to know how
your competitor is doing. Is he behind you, coming up fast,
is he right next to you or in front of you? Who is gaining?
You need to judge "closure speed" in relation to the finish
line. The idea is to cross the finish line just ahead of the
other car, (duh) without going faster than your stated time.
(That's the tricky part.)
line is if you have the other car beat by a whole bunch,
back-off a little to make sure you don't go too fast and
"break-out". If you get to the finish line first and run
slower than your posted "dial-in", you win and you go to the
next round. It does not matter if you beat the other car by
an 1/8 inch or an 1/8 mile! Know exactly where the finish
line is and keep in mind that your speed will be measured
both 66 feet in front of and after the actual finish line.
The speed "trap" is 132-feet long (one-tenth of the
quarter), so if you back off the throttle fast, right at the
finish line, you will receive an erroneous mph readout.
(Even worst, you could get the car "loose" and end-up in the
weeds.) Ease out of the throttle and gently apply the brakes
as needed, there is lot's of "run-off" area. Now that the
run is finished and you have slowed down, you need to exit
safely onto the return road. The convention is that the car
in the lane closest to the return road exits first so even
if you beat or end-up ahead of the car in the lane closest
to the exit road, slow way down or stop until that car
exits, then follow him off the track. DO NOT CUT IN FRONT OF
you did it! As you make your way down the return road, stop
off at the timing shack to pick up your elapsed time slip.
Be sure you save this time slip. It's full of good
information. Head back to the pits and get out your notebook
(you did remember a notebook) so you can record your run. If
you get thrashing on the engine between rounds, make a
mental note not to get back into the staging lanes until you
record the changes. This good habit will separate the
winners from the losers.
If you want to give Bracket Drag Racing a try, you should
call your local race track and ask when they run their
bracket racing program. (Most run once a week.) Make it a
point to go out to one of these regular events to at least
watch, or better yet, enter and run to get your feet wet (or
brush-up on your skills). Doing this will really help you
enjoy the bigger events when those dates come around.
CHECKLIST: The time for major changes to the car is not
between rounds at a national meet. You should make sure the
car is basically together before trailering it (or driving
it) to the track. However, don't feel like you're the first
person to want to make drag strip tuning changes in the
Here's a list of items we've seen in the hands of bracket
heroes at several tracks. These items range from basic
necessities to specialized tools for track side tuning:
- Tire pump or small cylinder of compressed air
- Tire pressure gauge (An accurate low pressure
- New set of spark plugs. Another set one heat range
colder (optional)
- Plug wrench and socket
- Extra quart of oil and tranny fluid
- Distributor wrench
- Spare point set, condenser, point file, ballast
resistor & ECU if electronic ignition
- Timing light
- Basic tool kit
- Thickness gauge
- Jumper cables
- Rags, towels, and fender covers
- White shoe polish
- Floor jack (or bottle jack) and jack stands
- Duct tape & nylon ties
- Jets and gaskets
- Most important of all, take a notebook and use it to
record your runs, jetting changes, timing changes, tire
pressures, outside air temp and weather (is it cloudy or
bone dry?), spark plug heat range and readings, and
anything else that might make a difference the next time
you show up at this track.
Copyright © Doug
Dutra, 1997-2002, All Rights Reserved
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