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225 Slant Six Fuel Pump Question
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Author:  JCAllison [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:08 am ]
Post subject: 

OK- I can't tell you what the max stroke is on a slant six fuel pump, but I can tell you the lift of the fuel pump cam lobe.
Hey Reed,
Wouldn't knowing the lift of the Fuel Pump Cam Lobe be the Max Stroke of the Slant Six Fuel Pump? :)
The fuel pump lobe is a perfect circle that is 1.66 inches in diameter. The core camshaft "shaft" diameter is 1 inch. That leaves .66 inches of lobe diameter for the fuel pump arm to ride on and be actuated by.

The fuel pump lobe is offset on the camshaft. The "high" side lobe surface is .46 inches from the side of the central cam shaft, and the "low" side lobe surface is .21 inches from the side of the central cam shaft.

***Quick self check- .46 + .21 = .67, a "good enough for government work" match on the leftover lobe lift available. My calculations and measuring method seem to be fairly accurate.***

So, .46 -.21 =.25 inches of offset of the lobe in relation to the central shaft. That means there is .25 inches of actual lobe lift on the slant six fuel pump cam lobe.

So your estimate of a 1/4 inch stroke looks pretty darn close. 8)
Amazing! Well, you see? There you go. That was what the question was about.

Don't know if anyone else will ever pose this question again, but if they do, they might just get the answer that YOU provided.

In my searching of the whole WWW, there was absolutely no reference of any kind found that contained this information.

Thanks for doing the research and calculation.

Checked an old Ford 390 FE Fuel Pump that is here and measured the stroke of its Lever. It is 5/8". That doesn't mean that the lobe that drives it has that much offset though. That is just the available travel of the Lever on the Fuel Pump. That's what the Fuel Pump is capable of. Also, in the Ford FE 390 Engine, the Fuel Pump is NOT driven off of the Cam Shaft. It is driven off of the Crank Shaft.

Anyway, while we're at all this calculation, here are some more calculations regarding Lorrie:

It was mentioned previously that she had a 13 Gallon Gas Tank. And that yesterday's fill up took 14.9 gallons! That 13 gallon figure was gotten from the crevices of my memory as being the amount of gas that it had previously taken to fill her tank when she had "almost" run out of gas.

Well, that anomaly kind of piqued my curiosity. So this morning while waiting for the coffee maker to make a second cup of coffee, went out and measured Lorrie's Fuel Tank.

Lorrie's Fuel Tank is 12.5" inside width, 12.5" inside height, and 22.5' inside length.

12.5" X 12.5" = 156.25 square inches.

156.25 square inches X 22.5" = 3,515,625 cubic inches.

A gallon is 231 cubic inches.

3,515.625 cubic inches divided by 231 cubic inches = 15.2 gallons.

BUT... the vertical and horizontal widths of Lorrie's Fuel Tank have a 2" radius on the upper and lower corners. So that would lessen the amount from 15.2 gallons somewhat.

I'm not enough of a mathematician to be able to calculate THAT value, but I'm sure that it would be a significant amount, which would take the 15.2 gallons down below the 15 gallon volume. BUT, there is the Filler Tube that would have to be taken into account as the tank was filled till the automatic shut off in the Gas Pump Nozzle was activated. The nozzle was about 4 to 6 inches into the Filler Tube. Don't know the volume of the Filler Tube. But the 14.9 gallons that it took to activate the Gas Pump Nozzle pretty much indicates that Lorrie was running on fumes! :)

And all the while the Stewart Warner Fuel Gauge showed that she had a quarter of a tank of fuel.

From Friday afternoon till Tuesday mid-day, the damned SW Fuel Gauge had me stressed out worry about Lorrie's Fuel Pump, Pick Up Tube obstruction, Fuel line clog, and a whole passel of other possible esoteric scenarios about what could possibly be wrong, when all along the problem was merely that she had run out of gas! And it cost $22.01 for another Fuel Pump and $65.00 for gasoline in the process.

That's the bad news. The good news is that Lorrie is once again well on her way to regaining my total confidence in her. I love that old girl! :)

Anyway, thanks for the response Reed.

Hope this finds YOU doing well.


Author:  JCAllison [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:19 am ]
Post subject: 

It took 14.9 gallons. Her tank only holds 13!
I may not be too bright , but I am pretty sure it holds 14.9 gallons.. :lol: :lol:
Hey Mr. RC,
You know what though? Being my skeptical and cynical self, my first thoughts on this was that the Conoco's Fuel Pump was inaccurate! :)

I mean, given that the Conoco at which Lorrie was refueled sells THREE different octanes of Gasoline at three different prices, but has only TWO underground tanks... AND that a few years back they were accused of putting water in those tanks, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they had somehow figured out how to make the digital displays showing the amount and cost to read more than actual.

Still, as little Willie Shakespeare would say: "All's well that ends well."

BTW, take a look at the response to Reed preceding this one.

Take care.


Author:  JCAllison [ Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:21 am ]
Post subject: 

does a 10 gallon hat really hold 10 gallons? :lol:
Hey Mr. D,
It depends on if the crown of the hat is indented or not! And if it is, how much. :)


Author:  Reed [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, JC, does this look familiar to you?

This looks alot like Lorrie Van Haul to me.

Author:  JCAllison [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey, JC, does this look familiar to you?

Hey Reed,
It certainly does. That's what Lorrie looked like when I got her back in 1975, although Lorrie was in much better shape. This poor thing looks neglected. Missing a windshield wiper, and looks pretty rusted, but other than THAT...
This looks alot like Lorrie Van Haul to me.
Never thought I'd ever see another one! Someone needs to rescue this poor old thing.

Reed, would you do me a favor? Would you alert Slant Six Daniel to this? He doesn't give anything having to do with me any notice because I didn't get the book that he recommended and I have a (whispered) toilet paper filter on Lorrie. But before all that came between us, he thought that Lorrie was neat. Here would be his chance to be as cool as me! :) He could have a Lorrie Van Haul of his own, and I can't think of anyone who could, if he would, be more qualified to rescue this les miserable.

So, how have you been? Have you made any progress with your writing? My book has turned into a trilogy! Am seven chapters into book two.

Everything is going along quite well here.

Lorrie has been doing GREAT since the last little snit with what was thought to be the Fuel Pump, but turned out to be an inaccurate Fuel Gauge. It showed a quarter of a tank, but Lorrie was, in actuality, out of gas!

Reed, it's the strangest thing with the Fuel Gauge. It has a switch that connects it to 12 Volts. When the switch is OFF, the Fuel Gauge shows the same reading as it does with the Switch ON, until it gets down to the 1/4 mark. Then with the Switch ON, the Gauge won't go below 1/4 tank. With the Switch off, the Needle will go down to almost Zero (which happens to be accurate), but when it is at Zero and the Switch is turned ON, the Needle goes UP to 1/4 (which is inaccurate)!

BTW, the Switch one time got left on and it ran the battery down. But the Fuel Gauge is accurate with the Switch OFF, and inaccurate with the Switch ON! Go figure.

Nonetheless, Lorrie has been doing just wonderfully. If she has run the day before, all that has to be done to start her is to depress the Acceleration Pedal once to set the Choke and make the Accelerator Pump give the mighty 225 Slant Six Engine a shot of Gasoline. Then turn on the Run Switch, activate the Start Switch, and as soon as the first Cylinder fires, she starts running at 650 RPM.

If she hasn't run in two or three (or more days), all the same stuff as listed above is done except she has to crank for five seconds to get some fuel up to the Float Bowl of the Stromberg Carburetor, and then at the five second cranking mark, give the Acceleration Pedal another stroke to get the Accelerator Pump to give the mighty 225 Slant Six a squirt of Gasoline, and she starts right up. No fuss, no muss, and she seems happy as a clam!

She just got her NEW 2015 Registration Sticker. Put it on this morning. Have had it since June 5, 2014, but had not been out since, and this morning we had to run some errands, so it got put on the window.

All in all, she seems to be back to being her old reliable self.

Anyway, thanks for bringing the OTHER Lorrie to my attention. Wish I could afford to get that poor old thing. It would be GREAT to have another one, though I don't know what I'd do with it. I could maybe name it Lonnie Van Haul, and we could start breeding miniature versions! :)

Hope this finds YOU doing well.


Author:  Reed [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll pass the ad along to Dan. I would love to get it, but I am out of money and space right now.

I am hanging in there. Things are pretty tight financially due to the down economy. I haven't gotten much more writing done since most of my spare time has been tied up taking care of family and trying to scrounge up work that will pay me right now. My dedicated writing time is at night in bed before I fall asleep and lately I have just been too tired to work on my book.

I wonder about your fuel gauge. I wonder if the gauge and sending unit are both properly grounded. That behavior just doesn't sound right. Glad to hear she is doing well otherwise.

I would love to see someone save that old van and fix it up nice.

Author:  JCAllison [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 6:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll pass the ad along to Dan.
Hey Reed,
Thanks from me.
I would love to get it, but I am out of money and space right now.
Same here.
I am hanging in there.
Seems to be all that can be done.
Things are pretty tight financially due to the down economy.
Know what you mean. I'm living a minimalist lifestyle myself.
I haven't gotten much more writing done since most of my spare time has been tied up taking care of family and trying to scrounge up work that will pay me right now.
A guy's got to do what a guy's got to do.
My dedicated writing time is at night in bed before I fall asleep and lately I have just been too tired to work on my book.
After I finished the first book, I took a bit of a break. Did some serious reading. Read Manchester's "The Arms of Krupp", Shirer's "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", Clark's "Childhood's End", and just finished Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century". Am eager to get back to the second of the three books armed with some GREAT ideas. :)
I wonder about your fuel gauge. I wonder if the gauge and sending unit are both properly grounded.
Everything is EXACTLY as it should be.
That behavior just doesn't sound right.
It's a mystery for sure. The good news is that if it doesn't have 12 Volts going to it, it works just fine!
Glad to hear she is doing well otherwise.
She is just so big, friendly, and smooth. Happy at fifty MPH. For what more could one ask? :) Barring any unforeseen circumstances, she should out last me. Maybe last forever!
I would love to see someone save that old van and fix it up nice.
I'd love to have it too. Probably be the only private citizen in the world to have two of them!

Anyway, it's time for some dinner and then off to sleep.

Hope you are well.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Slant Six Daniel [...] doesn't give anything having to do with me any notice because I didn't get the book that he recommended and I have a (whispered) toilet paper filter
Guess again; I don't care what books you buy or what kind of oil filter you use. Never have, probably never will.

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