Is this something you have just accumulated over time, or are such box fulls available for sale somewhere?
Only the lightest springs are available (for dragggin') over the counter...If you're a good junkyard guy, you learn to pull every distributor you get for "spares"...I got my combo of springs by stripping the springs out of ll the old small block and big block distributors I had...
Did they make 12R goveners?
It's possible, I have a 13R unit (Canadian emmisssions timing curve....yucchhhhh) for later experimentation. You can do like Josh does and weld the slots file, test, and file more if needed, there is a post tht will give you the proper measurements to make the MP 10R governor slot out of a stock one. You can pull your distributor, pull the plate and see if it's stamped on the top, if not, you'll need some needle nose pliers to take out the snap ring to check it/replace the governor...
Dan has pointed out some OEM 'late' distributors on ebay, these have the curve you want, just re-spring to the rpm you need, and you're done.
What color is currently giving you an off idle bog? (You might need to adjust the throttle plate position, check the gap between the acc. pump arm at WOT, and the acc. pump lever-.015-.020 is acceptable).
If your leverage and plate adjustments are correct, then you'll need a bit more 'shot' to cover the "bog hole".
Holley's order of priority smallest to largest: white,black,blue,red,orange,green,pink,brown
Things to note: the cam determines "how much gas is pumped", and the "shooter" size restricts it "for how long"... so a small cam and big shooter will give a small quick "shot", and a big cam with a small nozzle will give you a small shot that will last for a while...