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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:05 pm 
Turbo EFI
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Well this wasn't my best day of racing.
I staged revved her up to 1600 on the last yellow I let off the brake floored it and pop grind grind grind :( . 40 seconds later I finally rolled past the finish line with a blown suregrip in my brother in laws centersection. it would still move but any thing but slight throttle it would slip and grind.
I thought I blew something in the trans. I thought if the sure grip went you would still be able to race but as a one legger (wrong!!). I told Dan I thought it was the trans, but it the noise sounds like it was coming from behind me in the driver seat. So we called my sister to come out and get Rich (the gut that owns the other half of Dan's trailer) and take him home to get his truck and trailer. She had something to do at that time and would be out later. Well we walked around the swap meet for a while and Dan says " lets just make sure it isn't the rear" he gets down and I put it in gear and he says there is nothing wrong with the trans. So we call my sister back and tell her to stop by my place and pick up a list of stuff and we swapped out the broken 3.91's for my 3.23's. by that time they were on the second round of eliminations so we came home.
What a bummer.


 Post subject: Harsh
PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 5:41 pm 
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I guess that slant six was just too powerful for an 8 3/4 rear end. :lol: :lol:

Seriously, sorry to hear, but glad it wasn't worse. You'll get'em next time.

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:57 am 
Turbo EFI
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Dan told me I'm finally racing since I broke somthing.


PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:05 am 
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revved her up to 1600 on the last yellow I let off the brake floored it and pop grind grind grind . 40 seconds later I finally rolled past the finish line with a blown suregrip
I'm sure it feels like hell at first, but it's one heck of a war story and I'm sure you'll eventually enjoy telling it to the grandchildren some day, over, and over, and over. :wink: :P :lol: :lol:

I was really hoping to hear about the improvement on your timeslip. Any chance you'll get to a test and tune soon to get some clean runs after all that wrenching?

As for those parts, all I really want is the core governor back so that I can weld it up and help out the next guy.

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 9:52 am 
Turbo EFI
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Did you weld the one you sent me?
I have 2 of them an 11R and a 15R. Which do you want?
I am going to try and get to Maple Grove not this coming weekend but hopfully the next. I am going to have to run the 3.23's so a sub 16 second run will likely have to wait. Unless we can fix the 3.91's by then.
I am thinking we may be a bit rich in the carb. When I rebuilt it it had 57 jets and the smallest Dan has in his jet kit was 64's so we put them in.


 Post subject: Fun!
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:06 pm 
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Did you weld the one you sent me?
Nope, Origional 9r unit.(as stamped) I could see that time was running out so I sent you the best item I had at the moment. Nothing but the best for ma peeps. :wink:

Send me the 15r one, since I'll be welding it up anyways. An 11r unit might actually work for someone with a truck.
I am thinking we may be a bit rich in the carb. When I rebuilt it it had 57 jets and the smallest Dan has in his jet kit was 64's so we put them in.
Wow, are you still driving that to work every day? Bet you still get better mileage than my old truck. :cry:
a sub 16 second run will likely have to wait
That day WILL come ... :twisted:

I'm hoping just to break into the high 17's this season, but it's still a long shot. :(

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:11 pm 
Turbo EFI
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2003 10:02 am
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Ok I'll send the 15r to you tomorrow. Again thank you for the quick help.
No I am not using the Valiant as a daily driver any more. it gets driven on weekends and once or twice during the week. I have a 94 mercury tracer that gets 35mpg highway and 28 city. The last time I checked my highway milage with the Valiant I was getting 17.8mpg. I have time to tune it in for the highway now that I am unemployed again :roll: .
I tell ya this thing just might be a 16.00 car right now. It really moves.


 Post subject: All good.
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:59 am 
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I am unemployed again :roll:
Not again! :(

Must be something better in your future. :wink:
I tell ya this thing just might be a 16.00 car right now. It really moves.
You'll have to take me for a ride in it some time so that I know what to look forward to once my project gets a little more along.

I just picked up a '66 four door dart in trade for my '83 diplomat and an '84 cheby blazer I had been working on. Low mileage and very fair condition, so my race car will again be back burnered while I tinker with the wifes 'new' ride. I bet I don't even get to look under the hood of my aspen until I'm out at columbus in june :cry: .

1980 Aspen 225 super six

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