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 Post subject: Directions
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:51 am 
SSRN National Champion
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Greg I would like directions to the track if you dont mind. I plan to attend if possible since I was unable to go to Columbus.
Thanks Ron

62 Val, 66 Dart, 16 Ram 2500 Mega

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:14 am 
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Ron I will try to do my best with directions.

Here is a link to the offical track Directions page which has only a map.

Hope these help too.

Ok, From where you are, it looks like you would take I 81N to I 77N

Catch US 19N in west Virgina - Take that to I 79N follow on I 79N until after you get into PA. After you arrive in PA you will follow I 79N for about 34 Miles, then it will merge with I 70 - Take I 70East for about 35 Miles.

After you pass the New stanton exit#57, I 70 Merges with a bunch of diffrent routes here.

You want to get onto Toll Road/Turnpike 66N


Take Toll/Turnpike 66N to The end of the toll road towards Delmont - This will have an interchange with US 22 Take the exit ramp to the right onto US 22 East

Take US 22 East towards New Alexandria approx. 10 Miles.
After you go through the intersection with sheetz on the right - the track entrance is about a 1/2 Mile up the road on the right. The Pit Stop Bar is right Before the Track entrance.

Hope this helps you out - and any of you other southern folks can try out these directions too.



 Post subject: Directions to Pittsburg
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:59 pm 
SSRN National Champion
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Thanks Greg that should do the trick.

62 Val, 66 Dart, 16 Ram 2500 Mega

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:51 pm 
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Ron, No problem,

Hope to see you there, And If you make it I know That I did not screw up those directions too Badly!

Thanks, and Goood luck!



 Post subject: One never knows.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:00 pm 
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I plan to attend if possible since I was unable to go to Columbus.
Thanks Ron
Great! This is shaping up to be an all star event!
If it was for sure a 50 pt race i would drive up
I wish I knew. Could be a 50pt and it will be very close, but I'm just not sure yet. If Ron H is in, that's another car I didn't expect, but I just got a PM from SlantedBrain that said it is his son's 1st birthday and he won't be able to attend.
this would be hard on a old man like myself
You don't have to tell me, It would be hard on a much younger man! I'd say, if they forcast nice weather that weekend, you don't want to miss it.

I ran into a guy with a 1973 dart tonight at a car cruise. He seemed interested in running with the slant sixes, but that's not any solid reservation. I've got a couple of other local friends who have said they are going to come, but I don't really believe them.

I should call Jim Cox and see if Mike will also be bringing a car or if it's just the dart. (sure hope he get's that electrical gremlin fixed)

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject: The list
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:11 pm 
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This is the up-to-date list.

1 Me,
2 Phil,
3 Phil's brother-in-law in one of my cars,
4 Greg,
5 Brian, has a good plan for having his car ready,
6 Seymour,
7 Jim Cox just needs to fix some electrical problem,
8 Dale Rose said he's in,
9 Ron Parker said he's never been to Pittsburgh and wants to come up,
10 Ron H,
11 Charlie S,
12 Lou,
13 My 3rd car with an unspecified driver,(one of my brothers maybe),

Still a few cars short, but there are several other possibles.

Mike Reese,
Any Drake cars?
Random unknown Chrysler fanatic?

I'll keep you posted.

1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 5:26 am 
EFI Slant 6
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Paul, I got the rearend almost finished up. Just need to weld up the new spring perches and put it in. I plan on dropping the motor in on Monday night. My wife & baby will be out of town all next week, so I can put in a few extra hours on the car. My plan is to get the thing running and then swap over to the MSD set up as time permits. Things are starting to go my way on this project for once. :D . I want to get a least one night of test & tune time in before the race. Did you talk to anyone about putting up some cash for a street car bonus? Maybe even a nice tan 73 swinger will make a apperance at the race :shock:


 Post subject: Bonus prizes?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:52 am 
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Did you talk to anyone about putting up some cash for a street car bonus?
I'm open to suggestions. I'm not really good at that part of things, but I don't mind giving it a try. How do I go about finding sponsorships?

Glad to hear you've got a window to get the project rolling. I can come out at least on night and help. Pick the night (other than thursday) I'll bring the elbow grease.

1980 Aspen 225 super six

PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:41 pm 
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Hey Folks,

I have decided to Make the party at my place after the last slant six run on sat. (view Copied material from below)

I will hand out directions at the track to anyone who is intrested in attending ( My house is about 30 Min from Track)
Food / folks / fun.

See you at the race


Directions from 70 east: 538 Stone Jug Rd, New Alexandria, PA 15670. From East take 70 east to SR-66 turnpike (Huchinson By pass) to 22 east towards Blairsville, about 10 miles on the right.
Host Hotels:1) Super 8 Motel, 180 Sheffield Dr. Rout66 and Route 22, Delmont, PA 1-724-468-4888 (10 miles from track). (2)Comfort Inn of Blairsville, 1085 Route 22 Highway West, Blairsville, PA 1-724-459-7100 (9 miles from track).
(3) Best Western University INN, 1545 Wayne Ave., Indiana, PA, 1-888-299-9620 (Approx. 21 miles from track).

Spectator Admission: $15.00/day. $25.00/weekend pass, Children under 12 free.
Saturday after 3:00pm Spectator admission $5.00.
Event/ Gate Hours: Friday – Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm., Sunday 8:00am-1:00pm.
Participant Registration/ Vendor Setup: Thurs. 12:00pm-8:00pm, Fri. 8:00am-8:00pm, Sat. 8:00am-7:00pm, Sun. 8:00am.
Camping: Free camping to participants. No Showers at facility.

Racer Tech Inspections: Friday 11:00 in staging lanes, Saturday 8:00am-1:00pm, Sunday 8:00am-10:00am
Radio Frequency: 88.5 FM. It is your responsibility to tune in and listen for information concerning your race class.
Schedule: Time Trial order Pro, Quick 16 (1/8 mile), Super Pro, Big Dog, Hemi, Max Wedge, Sportsman, Slant Six
12:00pm Time trial #1 for all classes.
2:30pm Time trial #2 for all classes.

5:00pm Make Sure Time trial, Qualifier #1 Quick 16
6:00pm Gamblers race. $30.00 entry fee (80% payout) Box & No-box Classes
9:00am Time trial #1 for Pro.
10:00am Time trial #1 Big Dog.
10:30am Time trail #1 Super Pro.
11:00am Qualifier #2 Quick 16
11:30pm Time trial #1 for Hemi Super Stock, Max Wedge.
12:00pm Time trial #1 for Sportsman and Slant Six.
1:00pm Time trial #2 for Pro.
2:00pm Qualifier #3 for Quick 16.
2:30pm Time Trial #2 for Super Pro.
3:00pm Time Trial #2 for Big Dog.
3:30pm Time trial #2 for Hemi Super Stock, Max Wedge.
4:15pm Time trial #2 for Sportsman and Slant Six.
4:30pm Eliminations for Quick 16.
4:45pm Hemi Super Stock, Max Wedge class run-offs and Slant Six.
5:30pm Box, No Box gamblers races. $20.00 entry fee (80% payout)
9:00am Time trial for all Classes.
12:00pm Eliminations Begin

Pittsburgh Raceway Park and Classic Events reserve the right to change this tentative schedule without prior notice.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:18 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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:D Hey Paul, let me dig in the club goody bag again and see if I can come up with some stuff for the racers. After all Pennsylvania is my old home state.................;) RICK
Paul, did that box show up yet with the caps and towels ? My 'puter been offline for an upgrade......RICK

If you can't be good, at least be colorful

PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:20 pm 
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did that box show up yet with the caps and towels ?

Yes, We will be handing it out on saturday, Thanks a lot!

I can't believe it's already here! I've got 3 cars running and about ready.
Talked to Brian today and he's running too!

Seymour called and is already on the road!

Weather is looking perfect.

Please call me or Greg if you've got any last minute requests because I won't be online again till next week.


1980 Aspen 225 super six

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:44 pm 
3 Deuce Weber
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Is the /6 race being held on saturday? I might stop in and meet with everyone.

I no longer have any /6 cars, or 1970's Mopars of any kind for that matter. The closest thing I have to a /6 is the V6 in my '93 Shadow ES, that has run 15.90's mildly tuned at Keystone Raceway (now PRP).

I just happened to stop by this website just in time to learn of the race this weekend. I raced my cars a lot early this year, but not in the last 2-1/2 months. Got to finish building the new engine in my '87 Shelby Charger Turbo and get it to the track!

Slantedbrain - was that photo of your Valiant taken in a small parking lot off of Market street in downtown Pittsburgh? A while back I went to a business on Market Street and remember seeing a Valiant in the parking lot across the street.

I've got a full set of small bolt A body brake drums for sale, I'll post them in the for sale section.

Just checked the website - PRP thinks I'm gonna pay $15 to walk around the /6 cars for an hour or 2? They're crazy! I'll just walk down through the fields on the west side of the track, cross into the lower pit area, and come back up to the staging lanes. I need the exercise anyhow!

See "Online Video", now the internets' LONGEST RUNNING comedy / opinion webshow, at !

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:35 pm 
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Yes the slant six race is saturday.



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