Today while job hunting I decided to "go play" with the poor '67...
I weighed it in at 3350 lbs with me and the tools in the back and a full tank of gas (yes the tank does hold 18 gallons...and it has no vent at the top like the Duster Tanks).
I pulled the G-Tech out so I had some numbers to play with....
I'm getting about 16 mpg still which I attribute to the Holley 1920 carb on it isn't up to par (sometimes it stumbles for no reason what so ever...yet can be smooth as glass other times...), I also have to occasional miss at idle (that point distributor is being yanked and converted probably tomorrow), and the A904 with full throttle kickdown is not my buddy....
Anyhow, after about 5 runs I found:
I have about 123 hp under the hood on my best run (they were all about 2-3 hp within each other), Peak Torque was about 185 toward the low end(and that died out after 2500 rpm...LOL).
And I can get a whole whopping 23 second 1/4 mile @61 mph (if you can only get it to shift and move better....)
Next changes:
Convert to EI, and install a stock 1974 Distributor...(will do a few runs...install one with a bit better governor 11R...then one with a 9R and some "polish")
After that, the tailpipe will give way to a stock Feather Duster pipe (less the Cat Conveter)
Final mod will be to install a late model radiator, a 1976 Holley 1945, and reinstall the vaccuum nightmare and reinstate the EGR with the Feather Duster distributor.