Bad News: my moms 96 honda oddessy burned down. It was a manufacturing and electrical problem from what we believe. Everything under the hood is completely clean, the motor and tranny.
Good News: the shop that checked out the van, who is a long time friend of my dads, said he'd take the motor and use it for his accord, and in turn, use it as a shop "credit " type deal.
Now, what I need help on, is my future super 6 set up. Right now i have a stock 225 & 904 in a 73 swinger. I have a carter BBD,pair of clifford headers, and an aluminum 2bbl intake. I also plan to add either an msd 6al or an msd 5900 blaster.
the shop credit would run at about $700-$800.
I was wondering if maybe i could find a mild cam to add some horsepower, maybe some headwork, or other things to make my engine stronger and quicker.
if i were to add anything else i would want it to be now..
I NEED SUGESTIONS. all would help.