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 Post subject: About valves ??
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 6:33 pm 
Thought crossed my mind, and started wondering what the differences are between intake and exhaust valves.

Am thinking along the lines of using exhaust valves as intakes, and intakes as exhaust, but don't know if there's any metalurgic differences in the materials used for each. Thought that maybe one could find a more appropriate-sized valve to use when building a free-breathing head if the swapability is there.


 Post subject: Re: About valves ??
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 7:43 pm 
: Thought crossed my mind, and started wondering
: what the differences are between intake and
: exhaust valves.
: Am thinking along the lines of using exhaust
: valves as intakes, and intakes as exhaust,
: but don't know if there's any metalurgic
: differences in the materials used for each.
: Thought that maybe one could find a more
: appropriate-sized valve to use when building
: a free-breathing head if the swapability is
: there.
: Roger

I believe there IS a difference in material for int's and exh's, at least for Mopar oem valves.

 Post subject: Re: About valves ??
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 11:40 pm 
: I believe there IS a difference in material for
: int's and exh's, at least for Mopar oem
: valves.

I have a head on the bench, that i started many years ago. I am using Perkins diesel exhaust valves, and 413 exhaust valves, with cut down heads, for intakes. Most exhaust valves from the earlier engines, used a more heat resistant material. I don't know if this still is true.
Hope to try this head next season. The head i am using now, is totaly stock, except for 340 valve springs, and milled .100.

 Post subject: Re: About valves ??
PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2002 9:09 am 
: Thought crossed my mind, and started wondering
: what the differences are between intake and
: exhaust valves.
: Am thinking along the lines of using exhaust
: valves as intakes, and intakes as exhaust,
: but don't know if there's any metalurgic
: differences in the materials used for each.
: Thought that maybe one could find a more
: appropriate-sized valve to use when building
: a free-breathing head if the swapability is
: there.
: Roger

Material is different with the exhaust valve using a tougher steel.
With this in mind, you can use exhaust valves for intakes but watch-out if you want to use an intake valve on the exhaust side, only the toughest stainless steel intake valve material would survive the heat.
Here is a link to some good valve info. (a custom valve shop in my area)
<A HREF=""></A>

 Post subject: Re: About valves ??
PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 7:15 am 
: Material is different with the exhaust valve
: using a tougher steel. With this in mind, you
: can use exhaust valves for intakes but watch
: -out if you want to use an intake valve on the
: exhaust side, only the toughest stainless steel
: intake valve material would survive the heat.

Thanks for the responses, guys. The above is pretty much what I expected to hear, but wanted more input than just my own opinionated self.


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