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 Post subject: What have I got?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:26 am 
1 BBL (New)
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Hello everyone. New member here. Longtime mopar driver. I am currently in the process of building a traditional rod (rat). I built my own chassis with a buggy sprung frontend, 9' rear with ladderbars and have a 34 chevy cab and unkown vintage shortened Dodge stepside bed. I built this car with the intention of SL6 power. Anyway, after searching the wrecking yards I didnt come up with a motor so I bought a 225 w/ an auto trans out of a truck.(craigslist) The guy that sold it wasnt sure the year. Anyway, in my excitement I failed to notice that the trans has a bolted on yoke, not the common slip yoke. After trying to research what I have Im still not sure, but I think its a 727. My question is, can I take the big nut off, remove the yoke and replace it with a slipyoke? This would make driveshaft fabrication much simpler.
I also have aquired all the parts to convert this motor to propane. Did you know that lots of older forklifts ran a slant six? This is how I aquired the parts. This project is turning into a lot of work but it will be worth it to have a plce to hang my shiny new Mopar Performance licence plate.
Thanks, Bobby

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:56 am 
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Welcome to the board! :D

Sounds like you have a trans for a 4wd with divorced tranfser case. How long is the tailshaft itself?

I don't believe that you can just use a slipyoke.

Easiest way to tell a 727 from a 904 is to look at the case where the dipstick goes in. A 904 will have a sqare corner and the 727 will have a kick-out.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:10 am 
1 BBL (New)
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Just went and looked. The trans has a kickout where the dipstick tube enters. The rear mount pad is right at the end of the tailshaft. The trans is about 23.5" from bellhousing face to tailshaft end.
It also has a 3 pin switch on the side. Am I right in assuming this is a common, reverse light, nuetral switch?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:52 am 
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That trans could be from a 4x4, but 2WD Club Cab models had two piece driveshafts with a fixed front yoke. You can't change the yoke easily as you'd have to swap the mainshaft and tailhousing. Personally I'd rather use the A904 since they are plenty behind a slant, weigh less and absorb (waste) less power. The 3-pin switch on the left side is the neutral safety and reverse light switch.


 Post subject: Re: What have I got?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:51 am 
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so I bought a 225 w/ an auto trans out of a truck.(craigslist) The guy that sold it wasnt sure the year.
Thanks, Bobby

Hmmmmm.....By chance, does it look like there might be some type of cast iron adapter plate sandwiched between the engine and trans?

Earlier, ('62-'67?) Dodge trucks with a slant/auto combo used the small block 727 with an adapter plate.
It's possible you could have a drive shaft built with slip joint in the middle. You'd have to consult with your shaft shop.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:25 pm 
1 BBL (New)
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Have someone else build my driveshaft? Blasphemy! :(

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:55 pm 
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Have someone else build my driveshaft? Blasphemy! :(
You'll think "blasphemy" about the time you get to 50mph and your car is vibrating worse than a round bed in a Vegas honeymoon suite due to an out of balance or not quite straight shaft.

(Don't ask me how I know this. :oops: )


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:05 pm 
1 BBL (New)
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Built em for my short track dirt cars but Im not sure what was shaking, me or the driveshaft. :D

Buying other peoples junk so you dont have to.

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