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 Post subject: Know your limits
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:24 pm 
Okay, first of all I'd like to say that I do stupid stuff like racing when someone challenges me(though as a rule I won't take it above twenty over the speed limit if it's an empty road, and if the road's busy I'll only race to the speed limit) and trying to keep someone from getting in front of me by moving closer to the person in front of me, but something I never do because I think it's probably one of the most dangerous driving tactics taken is quickly cutting someone off. Okay, now the story. I was on the freeway and turned off, there was this guy in a camaro driving like a maniac and I didn't want him in front of me(this was a two lane that turns to one lane). Well, anyway, he tries to get in front of me so I speed up so that he has to go behind me, which is what any sane person would have done, but after the road has turned to a one lane and I am well in my spot I see this guy in a camaro next to me speeding and I quickly have to hit my brakes or lose my fender. What I find especially odd in this is that he had a very new camaro and my car is a beater(I'm fixing it up). Well, anyways, the fender he would have hit would have been a fender that I'm already replacing so basically unless my frame was damaged I would have had zero money lost, but because of what this idiot did I wouldn't be nice and tell him I already had a fender, I'd raise his premiums by finding the highest priced body shops in town(I'm sure I could find three expensive ones), then I would take his insurance money and replace the fender as I was planning to do. Anyways, I just guess I'm saying that though I understand people doing stupid things(because I do them), I wish people wouldn't do insane things that start involving how defensively the people around them can drive. (yes, I realize this a very "other"sort of thing for this column, but I do own a slant-six vehicle)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:36 pm 
Turbo EFI
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I drive the same way in my truck that you do in your car. I think it's just a "guy thing" type of instinct. Around here we have all sorts of kids in ricers who think they're the superior ones, and soccer moms in their SUVs who are too focused on their cell phones to pay attention to the road (I oughta get one of those "you'd drive better with that phone up your @ss" bumperstickers).

I tend to be a jerk myself sometimes, just to show the idiot trying to get in front of me that it ain't gonna happen. And when his lowered Honda scrapes my tires, he knows to back off :twisted:

'74 Duster w/ HEI ignition, beat to snot suspension, A904, 8.25" 3.55 SG rear, still being tuned up and gets 17 MPG

Know how they always build a better idiot? That's me

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:40 pm 
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I saw a news story the other day about a lady, I think this happend in Ohio, was driving while breastfeeding, and I think a cellphone was involved too. She said she shouldnt be subject to Ohio laws where it is illegal to breastfeed while driving because her homestate was Michigan, and she believed it was legal there.

Legal or not use some common sense if the kid bites and you swerve the baby is going to go flying god knows where....

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 9:49 pm 
Turbo EFI
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Yeah I think I know which story you're talking about. Something where they're claming religious beliefs to get out of her being fined for it because their beliefs say only the husband can punish the woman, or some garbage like that.

This is exactly why I've become so jaded on most religions. People like those two should not be polluting the gene pool :roll:

'74 Duster w/ HEI ignition, beat to snot suspension, A904, 8.25" 3.55 SG rear, still being tuned up and gets 17 MPG

Know how they always build a better idiot? That's me

 Post subject: One of these days...
PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 10:35 pm 
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That scenario has happened more than I like to see on the highways lately. Some of these guys have never seen what comes out of a modern car that wrecks doing over 80...(my friend owns a tow company and takes some nice sobering pics....).

I've got the philosophy that sometime soon, my next car is going to be a 1964 Chrysler C-body or Imperial, and when the dude clips me he's going to be in for a real suprise when I look at the 'ding' in my fender and he's crying from the $20K of body damage to his...(and my insurance will still be cheaper...)

I'm always rest assured that I know everything that has been done to my car, and know why something 'sounds' like it does...I always laugh at the 'riceboy' with the stereo up loud and the smoke coming out of his tailpipe with the jackrabbit light to light starts...last time I crossed one of these guys I yelled over "When was the last time you did a tune up and checked your piston rings?"....The kid looked at me like what the #$%#$ are you talking about? I figure a few more months and that kid will be shelling out for another car or engine... :lol:


p.s I don't street race, my insurance company put out a 'brochure' a few years back that said fuel efficiency can be maintained if you can quickly get to the highest gear useable at the speed limit....So I'm just quickly getting to 3rd gear as soon as my feet can shuffle!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:09 am 
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What's your respective problems with somebody passing you? What do you think you're proving? That you can drive like jerks? People that speed up when somebody tries to pass deserve more than just the finger. Now an actual race might be an honorable pursuit...


If it ain't broke, fix it!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 1:32 am 
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As long as they aren't doing it wrecklessly, like on a one way per direction road with traffic, I agree with Dennis on passing. Heck I'd rather have wreckless &/or faster drivers infront of me then behind me

 Post subject: The Northwest
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:46 am 
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Up here in the NW things get pretty hairy on the Interstate, within the last two years people have started a real annoying habit of driving 90 mph in the fast lane (at least they are passing), then instead of 'planning ahead' to get their exit and swithcing lanes 1/2 mile before the exit...they do a 2 lane bomb from the fast lane to the exit, sometimes with out turn signals.
In some cases, some of the people think they are on the NASCAR circuit and think that all cars are ABS equipped 4 disk brake cars, so they'll cut you off at the last minute to 'get ahead' in a lane that might be going faster, or to get onto an exit ramp that has a 2 mile line of cars waiting to get on so they cut in at the last minute so they can be ahead of 50 other people who've been waiting 10 minutes to get to the top of the ramp(anyone in the Portland area will know the classic example of this is the 217 offramp to I-5 south at 4pm....)

I don't mind someone who uses their signals, leaves a car space or two ahead of me and the next car when getting a place in the lane I'm driving in, but more often than not drivers are gambling that you'll chicken out and avoid a wreck so they can cut into line 1 car ahead of their spot during rush hour.

Personally, I don't reward wreckless driving either...


 Post subject: Re: The Northwest
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 8:57 am 
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Up here in the NW things get pretty hairy on the Interstate, within the last two years people have started a real annoying habit of driving 90 mph in the fast lane (at least they are passing), then instead of 'planning ahead' to get their exit and swithcing lanes 1/2 mile before the exit...they do a 2 lane bomb from the fast lane to the exit, sometimes with out turn signals.
In some cases, some of the people think they are on the NASCAR circuit and think that all cars are ABS equipped 4 disk brake cars, so they'll cut you off at the last minute to 'get ahead' in a lane that might be going faster, or to get onto an exit ramp that has a 2 mile line of cars waiting to get on so they cut in at the last minute so they can be ahead of 50 other people who've been waiting 10 minutes to get to the top of the ramp(anyone in the Portland area will know the classic example of this is the 217 offramp to I-5 south at 4pm....)

I don't mind someone who uses their signals, leaves a car space or two ahead of me and the next car when getting a place in the lane I'm driving in, but more often than not drivers are gambling that you'll chicken out and avoid a wreck so they can cut into line 1 car ahead of their spot during rush hour.

Personally, I don't reward wreckless driving either...

I agree with most of this, and the same is true down here in the SE in the metro areas. If someone is executing a legitimate pass on the left, however, that is their prerogative, as is going 90 in the fast lane. That's an issue between them and the law, not them and you or me. Now, if on the other hand, someone weaves in and out of traffic or passes on the right, that's a whole other thing.

Round these parts, it's about half and half. Half of drivers drive like a**holes, the other half like dumb**sses. :x


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 10:36 am 
Turbo Slant 6
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Driving in LA is more like the script from cannonball run. We have the ricers and the SUV/Mercedes/BMW/Volvo crowd and the highest number of uninsured and unlicensed drivers. Had a episode several years ago, involving a truck with 6ft x 3ft. sections of concrete pipe did a abrupt lane change and dumped half his load 10 ft in front of me, was unable to stop in time, hit the pipes-did a couple of 180s upon impact and ended up on the center divider. Driver was only cited for having a unsecured load while mine was a total write off. Still burns me up....Dave........................................................................................... (BTW just completed anti-terrorism training where you are taught to leave a space of 2 cars at all times and some intense counter measure driving (aka using your auto as a weapon of last resort, just the sort of training one needs to drive LA). :lol: :lol:

Troops on the battlefield have a far better view of the battle then the generals who lead them

 Post subject: Just saw the result...
PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 2:32 pm 
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I wish I could get that kind of training, of course a few years of demo derby sure can help... :shock:

I got to see the result of what happens when a speeding SUV looses a tire...they lifeflighted the occupants of a new Chevy Suburban, tied up traffic for 30 minutes, and the suburban had gone through a nice highway hedge, barrier, and rolled a couple of times...enough to smash the roof flat to the bottom of the window sills.....



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 5:16 pm 
Okay, the question: What's my problem with passing? I understand the train of thought that I'm being a "jerk" when I don't let them pass, but how about this, most of the time I'm going five or ten miles per hour over the limit, I don't let people past me who or acting like idiots( i.e. they come at my car at about twenty miles above the speed limit). I also don't let people by that aren't nice about passing(don't use their turn signals, try passing in an area where them passing me puts me at risk). So, if I let someone past me that's going twenty miles per hour they're probably drunk, and I just don't like rude people, I'd rather my bumber get hit then some family because I'm driving alone and my life is worth less then some two years olds. Basically, I don't like jerks, so you may think I'm a jerk for not letting them pass me, but in a way I believe I'm doing my duty as a good person by having them be my problem then someone else's. Really, I'm might be saving the dumbasses trying to pass me at twenty-thirty miles per hour a ticket too. Also, don't you know that racing causes accidents? My mom's brother got ran over, I have raced in safe conditions, I'm not a chicken when driving, but I try not to be an idiot either, and any time I do a stupid mistake that I didn't mean to do like accidentally going into a lane and not reallizing someone is in the other lane, I want to hit myself, so to the person who said to race, go ahead and do that, I look forward to getting in your way.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 12:09 am 
3 Deuce Weber
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I used to be like you untill I found my brains back in the corner of my head.
next time let the dumbshit pass and if you are lucky you will see him again a few blocks further standing against a tree or something.
Don't play the cop you are not.
I've seen an acident where a guy did exactly the same as you did, result an innocent old couple where hit and both where killed instantly.
if the guy had let the bumbass pass that would never have happened.

Moving to the U.S??? no thank you! I'm livin' in the land of free healthcare!

 Post subject: not an english teacher
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 9:59 pm 
2 BBL ''SuperSix''

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I would like to point out that driving "wreckless" is a good thing. Though driving reckless is dangedrous to you and those around you.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 10:00 pm 
Okay, in an attempt to not sound like a total idiot I would just say that I've seen accidents that would support my claim and also yours and mainly I was really, really angry that day because of relationship problems that sorta mean I'm single currently. In general, I think it whoever's opinion and if someone chooses to drive reckless than their's always someone that chooses to drive like me and really that is the problem with driving, you have to deal with everyone else. Whether it's me or the guy buzzing around at 90 mph or the person that is just as annoying, the guy/girl going 10 mph in a 30 mph zone and there's no way to pass them. I hope that I have someone redeemed myself because I did sound like an idiot but really I do agree with my claims, I just usually would sound more intelligent debating them.

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