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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:08 pm 
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Well it's in the bay...if I get time later, I'll get the throttle cable hooked up and get the fuel line 'rerouted'. The oil dipstick looks like it will work, but I'll have to make a new bracket for it (the standard long late model one fits...deep six the 'stubby' one).



I also have to get some nuts on the main exhaust flange, and weld up 'pipe' to dump the front dual down to the pavement so I don't burn anything up ....

The 'fun' problem with the whole thing as always is finding the right air cleaner for 'IT'.... :roll:


According to my 'measuring', I have about 2 1/2" from the airhorn flange to the 'rib' in my hood, that's about 3/8" or so taller than the choke plate when it's open....

If anyone has a part # or recommendation, for an aircleaner that offset, and can fit the bill let me know, tomorrow morning before 66Dart comes over for a 'lashing' I'd like to get my pipe welded up and hit the local speed shop and grab a pietin so I can fire it up, check for clearances and get some tech 'n tune time on it this weekend....(then get my dual exhaust setup...)

WOOHOOO!!!!! :twisted:


p.s. grinding on the runners by the studs, even on Doc front dual, will help get those pesky nuts on and get a better socket on it when you go to torque the manifold sets down.... I'd probably have been done an hour ago if I hadn't dropped every nut, socket, washer, and extension under the car.... :shock:

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 5:23 pm 
Turbo Slant 6
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Moroso makes various offsets of air cleaners, check them out. Big bucks for sure, but what you going to do?...Dave

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 6:52 pm 
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If I were still working in a 'shop' environment I'd chop up and remanf one from the various pietins I have lying around...(Hmmmm, 4 barrel flange, 318 can, dual fresh air snorkels.....).

I'll go to the local speed shop and see what they can comeup with for me.... Thanks for your input dave it's much appreciated! :wink:

I just finished up the last of the items, I still need to get a dump pipe, and a pie-tin, and I'm ready to fire it up!~!!!! :shock: :D :D


Notice the impromptu filter clamp(gotta find one off an SUV or something).


My car being one of the 'late' A-bodies has that pesky 'squarish hole', so a round plugged Accelerator cable won't fit, and I wasn't about to hog it out with my 'unibit'. So I pulled it in as far as possible....


Then applied a nice washer and cut a 3/8" flat washer into a 'C-clip' like the 'pre-75' cars have....


Hope I can get my last two items finished/fabbed tomorrow so I can 'play'....


OH BOY!!!!!


 Post subject: Hpak offset air cleaner
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:24 pm 
EFI Slant 6

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I bought a Summit offset air cleaner - still haven't tried to mock mine up - so can't tell you if it is going to fit or not - the part number was SUM 239422. It offset the center of the air cleaner 1.5 inches side to side (so it would clear your washer bottle easier but might hit the dipstick. The
height is 3.25 inches from the carb flange (no gasket) to the top of the wingnut. The diameter is 14.25 inches and the element it came with is
a 2 inch tall by 14 inch diameter unit.

My 4160 interferes with the manifold where the return spring is intended
to connect. I am thinking I'll cut that area off and relocate the spring.
Did you have to mod that part of your carb? Or did you use an adapter/spacer plate?

 Post subject: That won't work....
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 10:46 pm 
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I don't need an offset, I have 18" from the washer bottle edge to the dipstick (and I could bend that over a little too...).

I just need an aftermarket pie tin that is 14-16" wide, and only 2 1/2" tall with a flange 'upset' to get over the float adjusting screws on the Holley.
The 2 1/2" is critical or the hood won't close....

The return spring on every carb I've worked with has always been attached to the main throttle lever....If you're referring to that wacky little ear on the bottom of the lever, I bent it 90 degrees out of the way and the carb is sitting on a gasket (no spacers, no room for a spacer...)....


can't wait to ask the guy behind the counter for a 'spec' catalog....

"I need...this wide....this tall....this offset, but only in the first inch off the carb flange...."

"What model car and motor is this for?!?!?!"



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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:12 pm 
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The air cleaner assembly I bought from summit, bottom, filter element, and top, was $40ish if I recall. The element alone is 14" diameter and 2" tall, I don't think the top and bottom plates add more then an inch. I'll measure tomorrow if you like.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 12:03 am 
EFI Slant 6
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do what i did when i installed my Offy on my Volare, i went to a local speed shop and payed 40bux CDN for a open foam air filter.

anyways, heres about as much as anyone is going to see of my volare untill i'm done (this was just a "test" to see if it'd work)


the filter is only about 1.5"s taller than the carb, and will allow a direct shot of air at the carb... kinda like having no filter :) of course this is ideal for when you have a scoop on your car (whoops i said to much :twisted: ) on the volare i'll also have a 2" carb spacer to "boost" everything up into the scoop!


P.S. that 10.5 powervalve did WONDERS for teh surging and bog, however smaller squirters and alittle messing with the pump shot cams fixed it right up to normal, also i have a secondary spring kit, i'm makin notes as i go along and will post when all of the tuneing is done.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:19 am 
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Hmmmm. Air cleaner height. I wonder if one of those old cleaners from, (I think), 40's-50's six cylinder pickups would work. You know.....the ones that extend the filter canister over from the carb flange, then drop the actual canister toward the ground. Looks like you might have the room in front of the manifold. The biggest problem would be altering it from oil bath to dry element, though.

Just a thought.


 Post subject: That's a good idea....
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:57 am 
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It might be more worth it to grab an element can and tubing from a 90's Jeep Cherokee, and see about making a fitting to land that in front of the manifold....

excellent Brainstorming.... :wink:


 Post subject: Think outside the box
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:01 am 
Turbo Slant 6
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For your fuel filter bracket, try a common coil bracket. This is how I have mine mounted and in the stock coil location, fits like it was made for it. If you need one, have a spare I can send your way. BTW sweet looking setup espically the plenium modifications..Dave

 Post subject: Never thought of that...
PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:48 am 
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I have several coil brackets to chose from, I think one off a 400 would work best at this point....

Will have to finish getting the exhaust setup so I can run it without the pietin, and see how rich or lean the thing is...


more later....

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