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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:22 pm 
TBI Slant 6
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Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:54 pm
Posts: 194
Location: NJ
Car Model:
I have a 65 Dart with the ORIGINAL VR and original alternator. The ignition is now mopar electronic. Orig. S6 engine, auto trans.
I'm trying to upgrade some things, to make it more "safe" and "reliable" for longer trips.

A) I'm upgrading the lighting to relays to bypass the dash switch -see other post on lighting. I plan on running moderate power lighting (common available sealed Halogen beams) (parts from SSDan!)

Q1: if using STOCK wiring sockets, what is the max. wattage buld that I can use with the stock wires? The reason to bypass the dash switch is just for "safety" reasons.

B) Ignition is now mopar electronic (S6 engine)

Q2: should I change the original VR? to what unit? I'm leary on chinese made ones.

C) The car is also getting a 400Watt Amp to drive a subwoofer (the 'kids" are making me do this....the talk radior I listen to doesn't need a sub!) I'm worried about high current draw off the battery. I MIGHT have to replace my stock 65 Alt. with a higher output one!!!!

Q3: I saw Dans post about the quickie Ammeter bypass. If I understand this correctly; I disconnect the B+ wiring at the Alt., and run 2 #10s directly to the pos. post of the battery. This unloads the ammeter on the dash???????? I guess I can put in a underdash voltmeter just to keep and eye on things. Will this work properly if I put in a 1970s 70amp alternator without melting the ampgage in the cluster???

Q4: I asked this is another thread: but if doing #3, how does the VR still function???

thanks. Dan: the man with the hard head....I await your sootheeness!!!!
(only kidding Dan; I really appreciate your insight)

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:07 pm 
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I'm trying to upgrade some things, to make it more "safe" and "reliable" for longer trips.
Not sure why you put "safe" and "reliable" in quotes. They're real words that really mean safety and reliability.
A) I'm upgrading the lighting to relays
Not according to your other thread you're not; it sounds like you're splicing relays into the inadequate factory wiring. I'm not sure what I'd call that, but it would be closer to "half-baked" than to "upgraded".
I plan on running moderate power lighting (common available sealed Halogen beams)
The only sealed beams worth buying are the GE Night Hawk H6024NH units, which you can get for about $20 from . They're still cheap sealed beams, but at least they have decent beam focus to them, not like the garbage from Wagner, Sylvania, and the others.
if using STOCK wiring sockets, what is the max. wattage buld that I can use with the stock wires? The reason to bypass the dash switch is just for "safety" reasons.
I already answered this not-particularly-thoughtful question in your other thread.

should I change the original VR?
Is it faulty or very old? If so, put in a new one. Standard #VR-128 or Echlin VR-1001.

The car is also getting a 400Watt Amp to drive a subwoofer
Oh, cut me some slack, Jack! You're doing a halfazz job on your lighting upgrade (or "upgrade") because even though you're holding in your hands all the parts you need to do the job correctly, you can't be bothered…but you're going to futz around with an obnoxious stereo system to annoy everyone around you? Uh…No. Let's be a grownup, please. You said you're interested in upgrading the safety and reliability of the car? Read this post and get your credit card out. You've got a lot of items on your shopping list before you get to "obnoxious loud stereo".
Dan: the man with the hard head
Yup. Thoughtless plans get under my skin.
Dan; I really appreciate your insight
Not so's you'd notice.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 5:12 am 
TBI Slant 6
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Joined: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:54 pm
Posts: 194
Location: NJ
Car Model:
thanks Dan. every once in a while I need to be taken to the woodshed for some motivation. I'll get my lazy butt in gear and do the HL mod correctly.

the battery / alt. jump will suffice for now. The car will be disassembled in Sept,

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