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 Post subject: WAY too rich at idle?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 4:55 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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I just rebuilt the 4160 600cfm carb, i did everything according to the specs and made sure i got everything, also put a 10.5 PV in and i'm running 52 Jets as a base line, the car runs REALLY rich throwing black smoke out like crazy at idle but off idle its fine :shock: i'm running a size 32 squirter and a pink or red :? pump cam, i know the squirters are too much b/c its got a stumble in'r.

The mixture screws dont seem to do much well, when all the way turned in they dont stall the car like they did before i rebuilt it.. where did i go wrong?? anytips so i can get this thing running fine again? ohh I also took the electric choke out b/c i have never ever used a choke on any of my mopars...


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 6:45 pm 
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holleys.... eeerrrgh. Where's the vacuum @ idle? What's the fuel level in the bowls look like?


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 6:57 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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i posted too soon i guess, i bought a 10.5PV a week ago, tried it for an hour of testing but figured, i have to do some other "fixups" first, well, the 10.5PV is blown hard core, leaks fuel, what a rip off! 15bux for a PV to get use of it for about an hour of "testing" and its junk :evil:


DW, you find me an AFB to rebuild and i'd gladly rebuild it and put it on my slant to try instead of the Holley, but as of now i cant find any in any of the yards i've been to.. i like Holleys "simplicity" but a carter afb wouldnt scare me in the least if i could find one :shock:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:06 pm 
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I'm glad YOU'RE running a holley... Means more AFB's for me!

I don't mind helping, even though I hate 'em, I DO know a few things about holleys.

AFB's are of course available new, $$$. You're correct, they aren't turning up in junkyards too tough anymore... Swap meets and "penny pincher" ad type publications are the best places to find good rebuildables. And DON'T pay more than $25-$30 for a core unless it's the date-coded numbers-matching one for your Hemi or something. Many OEM varieties are available in rebuilt form at your various Idiot Auto Part stores. Ask for Manny, tell 'em DW sent ya.


If it ain't broke, fix it!

Last edited by Dennis Weaver on Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:19 pm 
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You shouldn't need much more than a '25' squirter, and try an orange 466 cam, the pink one is huge, and the red one is really small (if it's red with a 31 you'll have a big short duration squirt, if you have a pink with a 31 you'll get a big long duration squirt. I've got a 25 and an orange and that seem to be ok for a long small swallow. Keep an extra power valae around and look for one of the anti-backfire screws that Holley sells. (screws into the bottom of the throttle plate assembly).

The electric choke is fine, if it's correct it'll heat the spring up in the first 30 seconds and pull of and be out of your way....

You really need to get a vacuum gauge on it to see what it's doing at idle, load, WOT, etc....


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:13 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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Hey D.I

Yup the 25 squirter would help alot, the cam is the pink one :shock: :shock: the car is in great shape, it has NO blow by and GREAT compression, but the timing chain is worn badly, the vac at idle is around 19 and fluxuates 1-2psi +/- in gear i think it was somewhere around 13ish or so, i dont have my tach installed in the car yet so i'm going by sound.

the 52 jets are toooo lean and the 55's were close to perfect (a 56-57 would be PERFECT) i also forget how to tell if the secondaries are opening or not :( got any tips on that??

the timing is down alittle more than it should be (its at 5* instead of 12* but i'm going to change jets first before that) i already took the choke and all out 8) so its really open in there now!, hmmm tinker tinker tinker :twisted:


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:17 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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ohh yeah, this thing deisles like mad when i shut it off in park, and no matter what i do i STILL cant get it to idle down like it should, no vac leaks at all, just a simple strange thing that i cant figure out :shock:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:50 pm 
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If your timing is off and/or the throttle plates aren't shut all the way when you shut down you'll get the old 'gallop'. Some of the 4160's have a throttle plate screw/stop that needed to be adjusted properly during the rebuild.

If your idle's too high it may also develop the run on...


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