hey everyone, i had my slant running pretty good before it sat over the winter. once i had it parked i did a compression check (with all the plugs out) and found low compression across all cylinders, after checking and setting the clearance while running (as hot as i could get it) i got my compression up to 110ish in all vs 80 ish across. Anyway since the intial compression check i have devolped a miss at idle, and when i tried to drive it when i hit the gas it bogs and and pops, from a stand still or roll. it drove fine before i ever did the first compression check and i have slack in the timing chain (which is going to be replaced) but it drove fine last year with the slack. I found what i think is pretty close to TDC in #1 (using a pick in the bore for feel)and had the balancer at the timing mark at zero, and then took the pic of the rotor, to me it seems early but i am new at this, what do you guys think? My thought is that the chain jumped when i did the compression check with no plugs in it since there is slack and was not load on the engine.
I rebuilt the carb over the winter since i had a kit and a new float anyway, the carb was put through an ultrasonic cleaner multiple times so should be good to go. I also get a good healthy shot of fuel when i hit the throttle linkage by hand so i think my accelerator pump is working fine (its new with the rebuild)
the engine is in a 78 D100 from california but i am not sure if its the original engine or distributor.
any thoughts on the rotor position? or other things to check?