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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:39 pm 
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Items in red are changes per what I have gleaned from this discussion.

In blue is a grammatical change.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:12 am 
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:15 am 
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How about some feedback. Is this where we're gong to leave the rules for the year?


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Last edited by ceej on Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:59 am 
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"If a race is postponed and rescheduled for the next day or another weekend, five attendance points will still be awarded if your car is in line to enter the grounds of the race track for the scheduled rained out race, or you put your wheels on the track property on the day of the race. In these cases a new first round ladder including only the participants present will be drawn up."

"Makeup races may be schedualed with reasonable advance notice, so long as efforts are made to notify all partcipants that were present at the rained out race."

Does this mean it will be treated like a complete new race with all comers or only those at the rained out race??

Guess we will ask Seymour when he is at Woodburn.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:45 pm 
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That is what Seymore inferred in his message to Rick Covalt.

I attempted to get the language of the rules straightened out and caught flack for it. Some folks won't tolerate a different opinion, or definition being voiced. Maybe they just don't understand why.

The final draft of what I worked out is posted. If that's what is wanted, then I will post it as the official rules. If further changes need to be made, make them and I will post them.

This should be done ASAP.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:06 pm 
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In the postponed & rescheduled paragraph, I feel there is a confusing statement.

"In these cases a new first round ladder including ONLY the participants present will be drawn up"

I take the ONLY to mean that only the rain-out racers present will be added to the ladder along with whoever else shows up for the rescheduled race.

My suggestion is to reword that sentence to read:

In these cases a new first round ladder including all participants present will be drawn up.

Also this additional statement could be added to eliminate any confusion about points::

Participants from the rained-out race will not receive another five attendance points at the make-up race.

I hope this helps to clear up and clean up this issue.


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Last edited by Bruce Pine on Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:50 pm 
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I did not change this wording yet.

Your "In these cases a new first round ladder including all participants present will be drawn up."

It could be written as: "In these cases a new first round ladder including all participants present at the makeup race will be drawn up."
This would remove any doubt about which race we're talking about.

Lets get more input.

When the race is held on the same day as another race, is it appropriate to award attendance points for both races to any participants? Should the attendance points be assigned per race, or per racing day?

Geeze, now don't get bent out of shape here.
Why not award 5 attendance points to anyone who makes the event weekend? One day, two, or three? Why worry about the attendance in this case? There are things that come up. Some folks can't stick around when they have a long trip home, kids to have home for school Monday, or whatever.

If a makeup is held on a day by itself, wouldn't it make sense to award points to any participant who made that race? That, in effect rewards those who braved the forecast, and stuck it out "just in case" they had the opportunity to run, and then pulled in early or specifically for a special make-up event.

It's better than a 10 dollar off coupon for spending 50 bucks to watch water run down a track. :lol:


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:54 am 
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Adding " at the Make-up race" would clarify the statement.

The 5 points per race attendance bonus was discussed and established as the rule for this year. It should stay as agreed until it may come up for review for 2014.

Granted, 3 races in 2 days at Samoa is an anomaly and probably only a "one time deal". I do not feel the "extra attendance points" are worth making up a special ruling.

Also, Redding paid back the FULL entry fee for the rainout. No discount coupons.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:06 am 
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:47 am 
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Also this additional statement could be added to eliminate any confusion about points::

Participants from the rained-out race will not receive another five attendance points at the make-up race.

I hope this helps to clear up and clean up this issue.

The racers that showed up for the rained out race get the attendance points.

If they attend the re-scheduled race as well, then they also get attendance points for that race.

That's the way it was clarified last year.

It's an incentive to encourage folks not to be afraid of the weather and reward them for the inconvenience of towing to an event that didn't happen. :wink:

If there are needed clarifications to the rules for this season, that's fine.

However, going down rabbit holes and trying to add more and more during the season shouldn't be allowed. That's what the year end banquets are for.

My two cents.


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


Last edited by Rob Simmons on Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:49 am 
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This is just a bonus race with no points if I am correct?

And I am guessing it is up to the race coordinator to make a decision to try and run one?

Yep and Yep.

I tried hard to get some heavy hitters to Clay City last year for a big Top Eliminator Show Down and got less than no resonse... :(


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:06 am 
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I see nothing that changes who may compete in a rainout makeup race.

The existing rules do not allow racers, not present on the premises of the track on the date of the rainout, to compete in the makeup event.

That makes the third event at Samoa a fixed ladder of those who were present at Redding.

This is actually the correct way to do this, in my mind. Comment away.
My Opinion:If you weren't there, you should not compete in the makeup event.
If the race is called due to weather prior to any participants arriving at the track, the day of the event, then the makeup event should be considered open.

-If a race is postponed and rescheduled for the next day or another weekend, points will still be awarded but only to those racers that actually line up for the first round of the rescheduled race. In these cases a new first round ladder including only the participants present will be drawn up. One additional point will be awarded to anyone who was present before the postponement.
I disagree with your interpretation of this rule.

The wording can be a bit confusing and actually contradicts itself, but here's the way I read it (I underlined the two parts that support my view):

The re-scheduled race is open to anyone who can make it. "...those racers that actually line up for the first round of the rescheduled race."

The folks that were at the original race and came back for another try get that bonus attendance point (now 5 points) from the original race IN ADDITION TO any points earned at the re-scheduled race. "One additional point will be awarded to anyone who was present before the postponement."


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:25 am 
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The following portion of the rules is dated, and should be removed.

-A competitor may elect to waive points at a race he has already entered as long as he does so before the first round pairings are determined. If you wish to waive points you must communicate this decision to the SSRN representative and/or at least two other race entrants. This must be done before the first round ladder is drawn up.

I asked Seymour for clarification on this last year as well. There are still racers that, for whatever personal reason, may want to race with us and not earn points.

The wording of the rule doesn't negatively effect anything else. It just gives those racers an opportunity to waive points if they so choose.

It's at the end of the year and it's a close race for the Championship! It's between me, Cookie and a Killer Bee. :shock:

The Killer Bees have run their last race of the season, so it's Cookie's last chance at the season ender at Mason-Dixon to win the Championship. The Killer Bee is 6 points up on me and Cookie. I like that Killer Bee and would like to see him/her win, but I sure don't want my arch nemesis to win, so... I throw the Championship in favor of that Killer Bee by waiving points and hope that I get paired up with Cookie to knock him out of the running! :twisted:

See? It could happen... :roll: :lol:


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


Last edited by Rob Simmons on Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:47 pm 
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Anti-Team rules? :lol:

We may need to revisit that rule. I pulled it out of the above changes.

I think rewording to makeup race solves the problem.

Which race is the rescheduled race? The one that was rescheduled. Which race was rescheduled? The rained out race. By calling it the makeup race, it's clear that those at the makeup are on the ladder. Not those that were at the race that was rescheduled.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:54 pm 
EFI Slant 6
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Thanks Rob, for the clarification on the rain-out race points and Make-up race points.

I did not see that part of the new ruling.

Your explaination of the intent of extra points for attending a rainout works for me.


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Last edited by Bruce Pine on Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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