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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:33 pm 
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There have been some questions concerning attendance points for "Rain Out" races.

I have gotten clarification and wanted to re-post this so that everyone is clear on the way points are awarded for both the rained out race and the rescheduled race.

This is the way points will be awarded this season. If there are any concerns, we can discuss it at the year end banquets and make any needed adjustments for 2014.

1. If you attend a race that is rained out, postponed or rescheduled - You earn the 5 attendance points as outlined in the first rule below.

2. If you attend the rescheduled race - You earn the 5 attendance points for that race as well. YOU DO NOT LOSE THE 5 ATTENDANCE POINTS FROM THE ORIGINAL RACE.

3. The rescheduled race is open to anyone. It is not limited to only those racers that were at the original race.
-If a race is postponed and rescheduled for the next day or another weekend, five attendance points will still be awarded if your car is in line to enter the grounds of the race track for the scheduled rained out race, or you put your wheels on the track property on the day of the race. If a race is re-scheduled a new first round ladder including all participants present at the makeup race will be drawn up.
-In the case where the race is started but cannot be completed due to weather, curfew, etc. points earned for round wins prior to the cancellation will be counted.
As an example: Three of the five racers that attended the Rained Out Redding race on 5 May came back to Samoa for the Rescheduled race. Those three racers kept their original 5 attendance points from 5 May and received another 5 attendance points for coming back on 13 July.

When the Rained Out 23 June Woodburn race is Rescheduled on 28 September, all seven racers that were there on 23 June can receive another 5 attendance points on 28 September.

With the rule change to allow unlimited attendance points, this could really pay off! :shock:


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:41 pm 
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Wow, I thought this baby was put to sleep for this year. All I will say is that in the "rain out rules thread" Seymour explained that no one gets double points. If you were at the original race you got your attendance points. If you could not stay and race the next day or come back for a re-schedule of the race on another weekend you still kept those attendance point.

If however you could stay to the next day to re-run the race or you came back on another weekend to the rescheduled race you did not get extra attendance points. This would be double points.

This was the big discussion we had a month before the Samoa races. After the fact is not the time to be changing the points structure.

I have no dog in the championship race, but it could affect someone else,.


2 Mopars come with Spark plug tubes. One is a world class, racing machine. The other is a 426 CI. boat anchor!
12.70 @ 104.6

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:06 pm 
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I went back and read all 5 pages again. And at least couple times it was stated that we would not give double points to anyone. It was typed up in red as a proposed change on page 2 of this thread. Then later Rob said he got clarification and we would be giving double points. I'm so confused! :lol: :lol:

Who has clarified it for us?


2 Mopars come with Spark plug tubes. One is a world class, racing machine. The other is a 426 CI. boat anchor!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:54 pm 
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ANYONE that brings cookies gets DOUBLE points. Period. There ya go!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:35 pm 
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I also read and re-read this thread and the "Rain Out" thread.
And at least couple times it was stated that we would not give double points to anyone. It was typed up in red as a proposed change on page 2 of this thread. Then later Rob said he got clarification and we would be giving double points.
It was also, at one point in the previous 4 pages, typed in red as a proposed change (right after I had offered my first clarification) that we WOULD give "double points". That post has since been removed...
Last edited by Ceej on Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
From the Rain Out thread:
So, it looks to me, that the rain out racers get 1 point each for the rained out race. Then ALL racers who attend the make up race/make the ladder, get entry points. Also ANYONE can enter the make up race? If I read it right??
Your reply:
the rain out racers get 1 point each for the rained out race.

I believe the single point was an attendance point, and attendance points have been increased for this season to 5. So those who were at the race track when the race was cancelled would get 5 points.

I also see Seymour's clarification from a few days earlier:

He does clearly state that nobody would get double attendance points. However, taken in context, he is referring to that particular race and how they handled THAT situation given the current practice at that time of putting everyone on the ladder. He later states that in recent years we have only been putting cars actually lining up for the first round of a race on the ladder, that may eliminate the need for this rule all together.
I will try to interpret this rule the best I can. It was developed when the Saturday race at Wilkesboro one year got rained out and was run on Sunday. Back then the custom was to put everybody on the ladder that was in the pits even if they couldn't make the first round, that generated more bye runs and points but the track personnel didn't like it. Several of the cars that were there Saturday didn't return so there would have been an unacceptably large number of bye runs on Sunday. Therefore it was decided that only the cars that returned on Sunday plus any new entrants would be put on the ladder. So you wouldn't have had to be there on Saturday to race for points on Sunday. A single attendance point would be awarded to those in the pits on Saturday but not returning on Sunday. Nobody would get double attendance points. Does that help any? I recent years we have only been putting cars actually lining up for the first round of a race on the ladder, that may eliminate the need for this rule all together.
I remember clarifying this with Seymour last year when we had so many rain outs on the East Coast. That is why I posted what I thought would clarify it.

Then, today I received the following PM from Lou:
I agree that this is a bit of a gray area in the way the current rules read. I am in favor of points for BOTH races, to give attendance credit for coming to both the rained out and rescheduled race. This is how I would interpret the current rules, but I am not iron clad on this.

That said, it was not expected that a rain out race would be scheduled on the same weekend as an already existing race, so the Samoa thing was a new thing. I would say leave it the way you are doing it and we can clarify at next year's banquet(s).
I was asked the question and did my best to get clarification to AVOID this type of miscommunication! I obviously did not accomplish my intent. :roll:


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


Last edited by Rob Simmons on Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:13 pm 
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Don't feel bad Rob. You did nothing wrong. It was just something that I thought was settled for this year and then your post surprised me a bit. We just need to put this down for another review after the season is over.


2 Mopars come with Spark plug tubes. One is a world class, racing machine. The other is a 426 CI. boat anchor!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:26 am 
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Reading his makes my head hurt. :shock:

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:35 pm 
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Either way seems pointless........

Yeah....Im the one who destroyed this rare, vintage automobile.....


 Post subject: How about?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:52 pm 
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First racer to stage a complete slant six by him/herself and carry it across the 1/4 mile line by themself, wins the season...(I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't be contested as the winner could probably turn any objectors into pretzels...).

My head hurts looking at this too...


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:27 pm 
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Reading this makes my head hurt. :shock:
Mine too! :lol:
Either way seems pointless........
It is fer you, 'cuz you don't never earn none! :P :lol:

BLUF: Git'cher cars outta the garage, er carport, er back yard, er wherever it is... & git'cher self to a race & HAVE FUN! :D

(BLUF stands fer "Bottom Line Up Front"... Even though it ain't... 'cuz it's down here at the bottom... :roll: :lol: )


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:04 am 
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I find it much easier to just sell all my junk to you Rob. :lol:

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:08 am 
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Not when I bring it back! :lol:


I’m Mater
The Kentucky Poser


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:05 am 
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But you won't get paid. :lol:

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:36 am 
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On further thought, I am firmly of the opinion that we should give 5 attendance points for both showing up to the rained out race, AND for showing up to the rescheduled race.

In my mind, what we are trying to do, as a first priority, is encourage attendance and get new racers involved and coming back. Giving attendance points for those who drive/tow their cars to races, whatever the identity of the race, should do that best. This is the intent of the rules stated earlier, I believe.

Thanks for reading,


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