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 Post subject: Hei coil question
PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:15 pm 
Turbo Slant 6
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So I'm going through with the hei build. I just picked up a Napa tp45. And I'm wondering what I should do for a coil. I do not want to run one of those newer style hei coils. I'd much prefer a typical round coil to fit in the stock location (I want to keep a factory look and will actually mount the hei into a gutted most electronic box). I'm I was looking at the flamethrower coils. They have several different options. Flamethrower 2 or 3 and different ohm readings. I see a .32 or a .6 and then even higher I believe I read the lower the better correct?

I could also get ahold of a standard uc16 cheap which I read is "ok" to some extent but not positive on the reason why not great. Is it the resistance or power and doesn't give hei it's full potential and can't gap the plugs larger?
Thank you

 Post subject: Re: Hei coil question
PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:09 pm 
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You really oughtta run a GM- or Ford-type HEI coil because they're better, and that's the kind of coil designed and specced to work correctly with HEI. If you cannot bring yourself to live with the right kind of coil for the ignition system being installed, the car will run with just about any coil, but then it's pretty much up to the fates how much ignition system performance and reliability you leave on the table by using a non-matched coil. I used to like the MSD Blaster coils, but that was before their production got moved to China; I don't know that they're now junk, but.

I'm also not sure what the resistance across an HEI coil is. Maybe find that out and try to match it as well as you can in the round-type coil.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:20 pm 
TBI Slant 6
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Dan is dead right (again!) I've done four HEI conversions and used canister type coils (Stock. Accel, MSD Blaster.) They all work - just not very well. Over time, I have replaced each with a stock DR35 and found immense drive-ability improvements each time. I drive my cars on a daily basis and would never voluntarily return to the stock canister coil. I guarantee that if you had been here for my swaps you would be determined to find a way to make the switch. (BTW the Standard Motor Products DR35 is very inexpensive as well.)

. . . there was good sport at his making.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:20 pm 
Turbo Slant 6
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Well that's not what I really wanted to hear. What does the hei specific coil do that one of the hot rod coils cant? I figured all that really mattered was resistance and power output and thought a pertronix/mSD coil was good enough. How does it run bad with a canister coil. Not trying to talk you guys into telling me run a round coil, just trying to understand. Thanks
I just really wanted to keep a stock looking appearance and not have something screwed to fender well. Or a long coil cable up to the firewall. Ohwell

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:00 pm 
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If you are clever you can mount the HEI unitand E-core coil on the factory coil bracket under the alternator, but that would make servicing them more difficult.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:22 pm 
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There are lots of variables in ignition coil design. Physical stuff like turns ratio, core configuration, resistance characteristics, etc but also higher-order stuff I don't understand having to do with the likes of saturation and eddy current. I'm travelling right now, but at home I've got the big, detailed SAE paper on HEI ignition (the one GM presented as a lecture in '74 or '75). It's got a section on the particulars of coil design for it.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:43 am 
3 Deuce Weber
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I just really wanted to keep a stock looking appearance and not have something screwed to fender well. Or a long coil cable up to the firewall. Ohwell
Have you considered visiting your local pick n pull for at stock GM combo HEI coil/module/mounting bracket found in just about all gas pickups and RWD SUVs from '96 - the 00's? Neat, tidy, and very stock looking. Should be less than $25 all day at the yard.

86 D100 short bed A833, lean burn deleted.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:13 pm 
Turbo Slant 6
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I was thinking of the whole bracket assembly. Just don't want to mount anything to fenderwell. Want to keep wires tight to the motor/firewall I'll comeup with something

How about this question. Is there any difference between the maleor female plug coil? I see the stock coil that's on that bracket for say a 97 Chevy 1500 has the typical female socket connection. But all the recommended coils for conversion are the male style? If I buy that whole bracket assembly from the yard, would that coil be completely fine or do I need a new one and a funky coil to cap wire?

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