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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:11 pm 
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Hello all.

I am currently gathering parts to complete the air conditioning retrofit on my 1982 Ramcharger. I am using an aftermarket under-dash evaporator, the factory compressor and mounting brackets from a 1983 Dodge van, an aftermarket paralell flow condensor, an electric cooling fan for the condenser, and all new hoses, high pressure switch, and receiver/drier. I also purchased the tool to crimp barrier hose correctly. I am replacing all hose with new hose rated for R134A.

I am pretty sure I have purchased and gathered all the components and hose I need, except for one hose that comes off the compressor. The compressor is a factory Dodge Sanden SD 709 model.


This is the fitting I am worried about:


All other fittings I have new with uncrimped ferules. But that one fitting that is crimped to the hose I do not have a matching new uncrimped fitting that will bolt to the compressor body. Newer Sander compressors have the ports on the cylinder head at the back of the compressor. This old Dodge unit has them on the body of the compressor and I cannot find new uncrimped fittings that have the correct adapter to mate to the body of the compressor.

Here is my question. Can I just cut the ferrule and hose off of the factory fitting and the crimp the new hose to the old fitting with a new ferrule? Or does the ferule have to be held in place by the bump on the metal pipe at the end of the hose?

Any AC guys on the board willing to comment? Any input is greatly appreciated.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:47 pm 
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Get a fitting like this. ... tegory/33/
Cut the mopar factory metal line right at the crimp. Then braze or weld the new fitting to the factory stub. Then crimp the rubber hose to the compressor fitting you just made.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 1:23 pm 
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Thanks Charlie! I was hoping you would chime in. Braze or solder, eh? Looks like I get to learn a new skill.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:11 pm 
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Braze.. which is sort of like tig with brass filler..sort of.

Or weld... a regular mig will do. Use the gas with plain wire.. not the shielded metal (flux core) wire for this job

No soldering needed..



PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:24 pm 
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Hmmm. Well, my brazing skills are nonexistant and my welding skills are rudimentary, at best. I don't have a gas shielded wire feed setup. I will research my options. :?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:06 pm 
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Brazing is just like soldering. Just higher temp, and stronger. Use a flux coated brazing rod.

PS: If you want I can do one and ship it.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:06 pm 
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If you want I can do one and ship it.
And there you have it! The SSF come through again!!! :D :D ( Slant Six Family)

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:00 pm 
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Brazing is just like soldering. Just higher temp, and stronger. Use a flux coated brazing rod.

PS: If you want I can do one and ship it.
I might take you up on that Charlie. I need to make sure I know if the hose size I need is #6, #8, or #10 and I need to make sure I can turn that fitting 180 degrees. I need both hoses pointing at the passenger side of the car to shorten my hose runs. I should know by the end of this weekend once I have more time to dig into this.

Let me get back to you, my friend!

Casually looking for a Clifford hyperpak intake for cheap.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:02 am 
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What are you going to do about the suction hose connection on the metal fitting at the exp valve/evap.?
Whoops, you said you were using a "knee knocker" evap. That uses a #10 suction hose.
Comp to cond is a #8 hose
Cond to drier, and drier to exp valve on evap is #6
Are you using a old (originally R-12) under dash unit or newer one? The old ones mostly used flare fittings. The newer style use "O"-ring fittings.
Also, are you using the standard barrier hose or the "reduced" diameter hose? Makes a difference in the fittings.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:15 am 
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Just reread your original post and looked at the pics. Are you sure that is a Sanden compressor? From what I can make out that is a C-171 compressor. Are you putting the compressor on the same type engine it came off of? The clutch/pulley is different on different engines, and the six cyl clutch is hard to find.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:52 am 
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To be honest, I can't answer all of your questions right now, but will try this weekend. These parts have been purchased over the course of several years and from different sources.

The "knee-knocker" unit is an older unit I purchased from a vendor on eBay. It definitely is a freon unit. I believe it does use flare fittings.

The compressor and brackets were removed from a 1983 Dodge B series van and are the factory original part. I could very well be mistaken in my identification of the compressor since I am not overly familiar with AC technology. The van had a smallblock and the Ramcharger I am working on also has a smallblock. I grabbed all the pulleys and brackets of the van.

I looked it up and I believe that your ientification of the compressor is correct. I think this is a C-171 compressor.

I will need to inspect the fittings (and probably post pictures) to identify if they are flare or o-ring fittings.

The condenser is an aftermarket unit that I believe uses flare fittings, but, again, I could be wrong.

RE: barrier hose wall thickness. I don't know. I will break out my mulitmeter and take some measurements.

I will get back with better answers ASAP.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 9:29 am 
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OK, here's some pictures:

Knee knocker in question:


Interesting unit. Instead of the usual low-medium-high fan settings, it has an infinitely variable fan speed knob.

Fittings on evaporator:


Definitely flare fittings. All the fittings I have are o-ring, so i will need to measure and order flare fittings.

Wide view of compressor:


Condenser fitting:


Definitely o-ring.

I haven't measured the thickness of the wall of the barrier hose yet. Maybe tonight.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:47 pm 
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Save yourself a big lot of aggravation: put in a new TXV (expansion valve) while you have everything all apart.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:47 pm 
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Save yourself a big lot of aggravation: put in a new TXV (expansion valve) while you have everything all apart.
That's the plan! I had a nice long talk with Charlie-S today and he also recommended a new TXV. They are so cheap that I will just replace it. Charlie had lots of great tips and advice. Thanks again Charlie!

The adapter and expansion valve should be just about the last parts I need to order to get this project started. I can't mount the evaporator under the dash because the transfer case shifter is in the way, so I am going to build a console between the front seats and mount the evaporator there. I hope to make some progess on the console this weekend and next week before the remainer of the parts arrive and then carefully work from the front of the truck to the back installing components. If anyone is interested I would be happy to document what I am doing and post it up in a new thread if anyone else wants to try to add AC like I am doing.

I am going slow and careful on this install because I plan on doing the same type of installation on my 76 D100.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 3:28 pm 
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Also this, or else pissing up a rope into the wind outside the box under the bus going forward at the end of the day. Or something like that.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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