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PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 12:31 pm 
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I didn't think the price was out of line either. If the car runs, drives and is 8/10 or better; that's a pretty good value for someone who digs the style.
I'd go further and say it's a hell of a good value. If that's the kind of car you want, starting from nothing, I dare you to build one for $25K!

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 3:14 pm 
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The metric system makes way more sense.

Imperial /SAE system is okay but conversions are difficult.



PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 4:26 pm 
Turbo Slant 6

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Indeed! lol. The metric system has no soul.

Who would like to go into a McDonald's and order a 113,398 milligrammer with cheese?

Who would go into a barber shop and tell them to take about 20.2 millimeters off the top?

Who would sidle up to his friends at the drive-in and confide that last night he gave his girl all 25.4 centimeters?

It just doesn't work. No soul whatsoever.

As for the 1960 one who follow the Forward Look cars with some regularity, there is no way it would bring that kinda money. It's an issue of opportunity cost. If you spent $25K on that barge, you couldn't spend $25K on a host of way cooler FL cars. For $25K you can get a very righteous Chrysler New Yorker or Imperial or many other cars of the era.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 4:32 pm 
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Who would like to go into a McDonald's and order a 113,398 milligrammer with cheese?
I guess you never saw Pulp Fiction
Who would go into a barber shop and tell them to take about 20.2 millimeters off the top?
Nobody. We go in a barber shop and tell them to take about 2 cm off the top.
Who would sidle up to his friends at the drive-in and confide that last night he gave his girl all 25.4 centimeters?
Internet centimetres work the same as internet inches and football minutes; his friends would yuk it up and correct his number downward.
As for the 1960 one who follow the Forward Look cars with some regularity, there is no way it would bring that kinda money.
…unless and until one day it does. A couple years ago I saw a well upgraded but not perfect first-generation A-body, a 4-door, go for $15K in a private sale. The buyer wanted what the seller had, enough to pay what was asked. And '60-'62 Valiant/Lancer cars are a whole lot more common than a '60 Plymouth wagon in peachy condition with one hell of a conversation-starter under the hood.
If you spent $25K on that barge, you couldn't spend $25K on a host of way cooler FL cars. For $25K you can get a very righteous Chrysler New Yorker or Imperial or many other cars of the era.
…which doesn't matter at all if you don't happen to want a New Yorker or an Imperial. Unlike Accords and Corollas, '60 Plymouth wagons aren't fungible.

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 5:33 pm 
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Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be too many people rushing up to spend $25K on a garage ornament/ car show toy. It is a beautiful car, but it is too nice to be a driver, and you need a huge garage to hold it. :lol:

The intake intrigues me though. I'd love to see video of it cold starting and being driven on the road.

Official Cookie and Mater Tormentor.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 6:40 pm 
Turbo Slant 6

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The biggest problem with the metric system (other than being incomprehensible) is that you can't use the word 'about' with it.

"Cut about 1/4" inch of that board, Louie..."

"Cut about .324 centimeters off that board, Jean-Luc Pierre"

See the problem?

Louie will know exactly how much to cut, because the soul of the 'normal' system allows for such language. Louie will give you a board that, by Jove, has had about a quarter inch cut off it.

Jean-Luc Pierre, on the other hand will simply sit there, befuddled, not knowing what to do. Without a precise number, he is lost. There is no soul to guide him.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 6:45 pm 
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Metric and US/English work fine for different things. Metric takes advantage of our base 10 number system (due to the evolutionary convergence to 10 fingers/toes). However, it omits the prime number 3, which is useful. A dozen or 6 allow for different ways of counting than 5 or 10. I use both, all the time. For science, I do not use US/English because it is slower to calculate. Otherwise, I go with the flow... The journal "Physics Today" (the news magazine for the American Physical Society - main group of physicists in the US and probably globally) had an article recently by the editor who basically said "just use whichever one you like for everyday stuff."

Werds from a nerd...


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PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 6:58 pm 
Turbo Slant 6

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Making fun of the metric system is one of my pasttimes! lol

In some form of cosmic retribution, my daily driver came from Canada and has a metric speedometer....though I do note the clock and fuel gauge is 'normal'.

PostPosted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:23 pm 
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When I go to the barber, I tell them to use a #3.

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:40 am 
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Werds from a nerd...

Whoa, what, Stop the presses, late breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 12:11 pm 
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Heehee. May as well own it, right? :roll:


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PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 4:58 pm 
TBI Slant 6

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"Cut about .324 centimeters off that board, Jean-Luc Pierre"

See the problem?
I sure can. Ever tell someone to cut 0.3937007874015748" off a board? :wink:

All joking aside, I think it's just a matter of (1) which system you learn when your brain is still developing and (2) what you're measuring.

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 5:43 pm 
TBI Slant 6

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Experimental, indeed.

On the topic of weird Slant 6 cars, has this one been posted before?
That thing is amazing! Look at the smile on this guy's face: ... 986474.jpg

PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2020 7:51 pm 
Turbo Slant 6

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I've read that a person's taste in chocolate is driven by where he/she grew up.

For example, to an American, Hershey's chocolate, and similar chocolates, tastes good. But to a Swiss (or European) person, it tastes vulgar and cheap.

I have to agree with this, because over my whole life I've seen fancy packages of Swiss chocolate and always thought it tasted lousy. Or at least like it was a 3 out of 10.

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:58 pm 
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I've read that a person's taste in chocolate is driven by where he/she grew up.

For example, to an American, Hershey's chocolate, and similar chocolates, tastes good. But to a Swiss (or European) person, it tastes vulgar and cheap.

I have to agree with this, because over my whole life I've seen fancy packages of Swiss chocolate and always thought it tasted lousy. Or at least like it was a 3 out of 10.
Metric chocolate......what'll they think of next?!

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