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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:04 am 
EFI Slant 6

Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:29 am
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Location: Corning, CA - middle of nowhere
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This engine rebuild actually started back in 2000 when the motor I am working with spun a bearing. I took it out and to the shop. By sometime around 2002 I had it sitting in my shed waiting.

Well, since that time, I've been injured and disabled. My wife left me and married her boss. And the rig the motor came from was sold to pay a bill or two.

It started out as a toy motor - you know - the kind you put together in your spare time and money to play with?

Well, it has now become the only motor I had available with my limited experience and funds, to put into my daily driver.

I had it all together and in the van waiting to hook the tranny up, when I found out that the kit I got back in 2000 also included the original small pilot crank. Didn't find that out until it was all together and I tried to hook the tranny up to it!

Since I couldn't locate a tranny that fit the crank, I had to order a new crank kit and yank the engine back out again! Including draining the anti-feeze etc. and pulling everything off. Yesterday I was able to get the new crank in, the pistons, timing chain and cover, and the oil pan all back together.

Now it's raining again and I have to sit and wait for it to clear anough for me to get the engine on the hoist and set back in it's hole in the floor of the van.

I pray that this is almost over - it's been 3 months now without a vehicle and I live 23 miles from the nearest "town".

What's really gonna be a trip is that if it doesn't fire right up, I'm going to have a ton of tracking down to do as I have changed this thing from - regular points - to electronic ignition (MSD 6AL). I went from a 1 brl to the "super6" set up with a Holley 500 on it right now. I got rid of the three on the tree and put a rebuilt with shift kit 727 automatic in. I had a buddy of mine switch the complete rear end out of my pickup and under the van. It was totally rebuilt by the PO. I noticed it still had it's gearing tag on it and it shows 3.55's - that ought to toast my highway mileage? Might end up switching back to the original gears.

I've been rewiring things as I replace them - including moving the battery from behind the drivers seat to the back of the van. I put new rubbers on the front doors and windows. I have new rubber around the dog house - which should finally seal that wind hole! I repainted the whole interior of the doghouse and the outside of it too.

A friend of mine and I have been doing body work a little at a time and hopefully when the warm weather shows back up I will be able to shoot the new paint on.

I am praying that this works! If it doesn't - well then I have a friend with a 45 - and he told me he will lend it to me!!! LOL Put the old sled out of it's misery!

If it weren't for you all and those on the site I would never have attempted any of this. Thanks so very much!

(Wait a minute - what am I thinking - it's YOU GUYS I GOT TO BLAME FOR ALL THIS!!!!)



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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:27 am 
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:D Sounds cool! Keep us posted and get some pics!

So long as the tranny bolts right up you should have no problems with it. The hardest part will be sussing out the bugs with the carb probably.

Be prepared to spend some time with a test light though!

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:00 pm 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''
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A 44 magnum would do a better job.

Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.
-Robert Frost (1874-1963)

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:45 pm 
EFI Slant 6

Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:29 am
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Couple of buddies showed up this evening and we were able to wrestle the head and intakes onto the block!
I have it torqued down too!

If it rains I can work inside the van now and not have to lift anything heavy! I'm praying I can fire it up tomorrow and nothing is wrong!

Probably won't be able to though - I try to go slow and not too steady when doing this stuff. In my condition it's not hard to forget something important!


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:14 pm 
EFI Slant 6

Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:29 am
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Well, I got it to fire today!
But, I am guessing that I have the timing off because it will not do anything more than fire a few times and die. Blowing black smoke too. I thought I had it close on the timing, but you know how it goes.

Taking a break and a bit of a lay down before I even think about trying it again.

A bit closer now though!!!

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:14 am 
EFI Slant 6

Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:29 am
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Location: Corning, CA - middle of nowhere
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Well, I think I've about tried EVERYTHING to get this thing to run.
It fires once in awhile but will not run.
I tried resetting the distributor.
Resetting the valve lash.
Resetting spark plug gap.
I think I have it all where it's supposed to be - but it just will not run.
Of course I am on Vicadin and hurt like hell so???

Okay who has that 44 magnum they offered me??

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:26 pm 

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Sounds like something isn't lined up correctly or no fuel

1. Camshaft in proper phase with crankshaft
2. Distributor 180 degrees off
3. Front pulley slipped so timing mark wrong.

First, no test for no fuel, fill up carb and see if it runs.
Then it gets more difficult testing for 1-3...........

64 Valiant 225 / 904 / 42:1 manual steering / 9" drum brakes


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:39 pm 
Turbo Slant 6
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Well, I think I've about tried EVERYTHING to get this thing to run.
It fires once in awhile but will not run.
I tried resetting the distributor.
Resetting the valve lash.
Resetting spark plug gap.
I think I have it all where it's supposed to be - but it just will not run.
Of course I am on Vicadin and hurt like hell so???

Okay who has that 44 magnum they offered me??

Assuming you have all the plug wires going to the proper cylinders, the first thing to do is pull the valve cover. Turn the engine over until the line on the damper is in line w/ 0 on the timing tab. At that point, make sure that both valves on the number one cylinder are closed.

From there, check and see where the rotor points to on the distributor. looking at it from the passenger side, it should be directly in line with the bottom right terminal on the cap. (i.e. the one with the wire going to the #1 plug)

If you're still not starting, rotate the crank 180 degrees (both #1 valves should be closed again), and then set your distributor so that the rotor again points to the #1 tower.

If the valves aren't both closed at these two points, your cam timing is off or the balancer has slipped on the rubber ring. Finally, a can of starting fluid can be your friend, so long as you don't go overboard with it.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 6:50 pm 
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Joined: Sun Nov 03, 2002 9:20 pm
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Car Model: 76 D100
DItto on the timing check, and also sounds like it could be a vacuum leak.

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