Slant Six Forum

Nice Looking SuperSix setup !
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Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

What purpose do the baffles serve? I've seen them on the stock and offy covers, and was curious....
The baffles in the valve cover keep actual liquid oil from being sucked
into the engine via the PCV system and/or blown out via the oil cap chimney. There's a lot of oil flying around under there when the engine's running even at idle, let alone at speed. If I had to use a cover without baffles, I would not want to put the PCV valve directly into the unbaffled cover. Instead, I'd use an oil separating breather cap (the kind with mesh inside and a PCV valve grommet in its top surface), probably a '60s-'80s Ford item. This would help minimize the PCV suckage problem, but wouldn't fix the "out the oil cap" problem.

Author:  NewLancerMan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

does that mean these $30 ebay numbers are just letting oil suck straight into the intake again via the pcv valve unbeknownst to its owner? I've seen several pics of these on people's cars on the board...


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

does that mean these $30 ebay numbers are just letting oil suck straight into the intake again via the pcv valve unbeknownst to its owner?
I'm not sure how unbeknownst it would be—oil consumption, spark plug fouling and spark knock result from oil induction like this, though it may never rise to the level of creating clouds of blue smoke. But yep, a PCV valve plugged right into these unbaffled valve covers causes oil to be sucked into the intake tract.

Halfassed products like that valve cover really hack me off, but this isn't the right forum for a rant. If you're interested, I'll go post it over in "Other" or "Social Corner".

Author:  NewLancerMan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:30 am ]
Post subject: 

If you're interested, I'll go post it over in "Other" or "Social Corner".
yeah please do enlighten me or pm

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here y'go.

Author:  MileHighDart [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, new development !
I was going to get a kit for the holley and rebuild it. I searched around the internet for a while after getting all the numbers off the carb.
Turns out its not a 2280,
Its an R9951 and its originally from an 82 Dodge Truck 318-auto !
Any reason I cant go ahead and use this carb ? Or should I just look for the correct carter bbd for my supersix ?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Holley gives their carbs numeric model family names (e.g. "1920", "1922", "1945", "2280", "6145", etc.) These numbers are equivalent to the Carter alphabetic names ("BBS", "BBD", "TQ", "AVS", "AFB", etc.). The critical number when ordering a kit for any kind of carb is the type number, which in your case is R9951.

I would not use an '82 318 carb on a slant-6. The setups are way too different. '82 318 had Electronic Lean Burn and/or Electronic Spark Advance, neither of which is present (or desireable) on your slant-6. These weren't just hang-on boxes, either; there were changes in the carburetor design to go along with ELB and ESA.

I think at this point I would suspend any effort/expense on the '82 carb and try to find something more suitable. Hurry fast and grab these. The seller says they're for V8s, but they look like \6 BBDs to me. Either which way, they can be made to work on your \6 setup and should prove much more satisfactory.

Author:  GuyLR [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, new development !
Its an R9951 and its originally from an 82 Dodge Truck 318-auto !
Any reason I cant go ahead and use this carb ? Or should I just look for the correct carter bbd for my supersix ?
I thought I was right about the 2280 being used on the 318. I think the trucks got the version with no elctronics so it's not a terrible choice try with your setup. I had to jet mine down a little with modified Hitachi motorcycle carb jets to get it right but it's a good idler with clean response. Thanks for confirming my creaky memory.

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