Slant Six Forum

Fuel Sender Unit ??
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Author:  74DartSwinger [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 11:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will get some pics of that for ya. And yea they got me for somewhere in the 80s on that sender. Gas tank was a little less than 200. This free car is getting in my wallet but it sure is turning out to be alot of fun. It's been a long time since I've gotten greasy. i forgot how good it feels.

Author:  Craig [ Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Where did you buy the parts from?? :?:
$300 into a "free" car is doing good so far. I paid $50 for my 1976 Valiant "little old lady" car. It had a bad engine. I replaced that, had radiator repaired, Fix the AC, repaint, rust repair of frame by rear spring shackle area, replace bias ply tires with radials, etc, etc..... I've got about $3000 in this $50 car.

Author:  74DartSwinger [ Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got the tank from ebay(sorry to whoever I beat out) I got the sender from a place called rock auto .com. I learned about it right here at /6 . org. I had to replace the heater core. Got it thru napa locally. They are being made in Mexico. I will probably get a new carpet kit from 1A auto online. There aren't many of these cars (1) in my local junkyards.
By the way I saw in another thread that you had mentioned the stainless exhaust system. I have it too under my car.

Author:  Craig [ Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 


If ya can take a few different pictures of that new Spectra sender with the two tubes would be great too!

That is one thing that irks me about Ebay..... Sellers put items up for bid that are in production or being reproduced or tons of old stock parts in warehouses, then people bid and bid and bid on that stuff like it is the last one in the world.

Have you got it all together by now?

Still waiting for those pictures of the return line routing when you have time.

Author:  Guest [ Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Craig.
I looked real good at the routing of that line. It follows the other two fuel lines from the gas tank, goes along the normal route on the passenger side frame , then comes out at the fuel pump and hooks a left around the front of the engine and on up to the fuel filter in front and just a little lower than the carb. So appearently no special routing on that. I have not recieved my tank or sender yet, but I will get a pic of the sender when it arrives.(it should be here Monday or Tuesday)
I won't be around for a few days after tues though. So if my stuff doesn't get here by then , it will be week after.

Author:  74DartSwinger [ Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oops! Forgot to sign in above post /\ /\ /\

Author:  Craig [ Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Craig.
I looked real good at the routing of that line. It follows the other two fuel lines from the gas tank, goes along the normal route on the passenger side frame , then comes out at the fuel pump and hooks a left around the front of the engine and on up to the fuel filter in front and just a little lower than the carb. So appearently no special routing on that. I have not recieved my tank or sender yet, but I will get a pic of the sender when it arrives.(it should be here Monday or Tuesday)
I won't be around for a few days after tues though. So if my stuff doesn't get here by then , it will be week after.
Thanks Chas,
I figured it followed the other lines along the passenger side of the car. Snap a few pictures of the under hood routing around the engine for me sometime. Thanks!

Author:  74DartSwinger [ Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Here are the pics.
The "extra line follows the fuel line exactly to the fuel pump. It goes right under the F.P. and then you can see it right under the Fuel line where they cross in front of the water pump. So, these two pics are the ones that I figured would be the most telling. After the second pic that line goes right into the side of the filter. I tried to get more views but when I previewed them I couldn't tell what I was lookin at. As you can see by the dirty enging compartment, I have a lot of work ahead just to make this car presentable. Being as it is a 75 I don't think I am gonna go for show quality. But since one thing always leads to another, you never know where it will end up.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 


I see your fuel lines still run within an inch of the hot exhaust manifold.

Go see and do the Fuel line mod to improve hot and cold starting and reduce vapor lock and percolation.

Author:  74DartSwinger [ Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 


I see your fuel lines still run within an inch of the hot exhaust manifold.

Go see and do the Fuel line mod to improve hot and cold starting and reduce vapor lock and percolation.
Geez. Just when I think I've read every tip on this site. :D
That is some good info and I will do that mod. Along with bypassing the osac valve. Did I mention that this web site rocks!!
thank you.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

The manual also shows a different fuel pump part number for California versus non-California vehicles. Anyone know why California needs a different fuel pump and what is different about it?
My guess is that this was a reference to the short-lived integral-filter fuel pump introduced for '73 slant-6s and discontinued shortly thereafter. Maybe some cars were still getting it in some assembly plants when the '75 manuals were printed; maybe it was just left in the manual by carelessness.

The pump in question had a filter threaded into the outlet tower. Cars so equipped didn't have an inline filter. Most cars originally equipped with those pumps have long since been retrofitted to the conventional pump and inline filter. My guess is the manual calls out the integral-filter pump for cars without the vapour return line, and the conventional pump (w/3-fitting inline filter) for the CA engines, which ran much hotter under the hood.

Author:  Craig [ Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

The manual also shows a different fuel pump part number for California versus non-California vehicles. Anyone know why California needs a different fuel pump and what is different about it?
My guess is that this was a reference to the short-lived integral-filter fuel pump introduced for '73 slant-6s and discontinued shortly thereafter. Maybe some cars were still getting it in some assembly plants when the '75 manuals were printed; maybe it was just left in the manual by carelessness.
I have a 1973 FSM and it shows the fuel pump with integral filter. The 1975 FSM only shows a pump without filter and says to change the in-line filter at specified interval. I do not have a 1974 FSM to see what that says.

OK, 1973 FSM lists Carter MFS-6352S for slant 6. (with the filter screen in the pump)

1975 FSM shows for California Carter MS-4844S or Airtex RD564 on slants. For Federal it shows Carter MS-6716 only.

1976 FSM show Carter MS-6771S for all cars.

1979 Dodge truck shows Carter MS-60010S or MS-60011S, does not denote Fed or Calif.

Got any way to look those up?

Author:  74DartSwinger [ Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's a pic of the sender. I just got it today. It is part no. FG-69B
It is close enough to the original . The main difference is the fuel outlet pipe is 3/8ths instead of 5/16ths. I bought a cheesy lookin plastic adaptor and I will make it work.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's a pic of the sender. I just got it today. It is part no. FG-69B
It is close enough to the original . The main difference is the fuel outlet pipe is 3/8ths instead of 5/16ths. I bought a cheesy lookin plastic adaptor and I will make it work.
Please be careful with how you do this. "Cheesy plastic adaptors" are perhaps not the best idea in your safety-critical fuel system.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK, 1973 FSM lists Carter MFS-6352S for slant 6. (with the filter screen in the pump)
All available aftermarket references have de-listed this style pump. '73 applications are given Carter or Airtex no. 60576 (ACDelco 41263):


This pump is supplied as the service replacement for '75-'87 vans and (some) passenger cars with slant-6 engines. No differentiation is made between Federal and California cars, or between 1bbl and 2bbl cars.

Looks like most other slant-6 applications from '60 on up are given Carter or Airtex no. 60577 (ACDelco 41345):


Exception would be '70 California and '71 Federal/California/Canada cars, which take the pump with the nipple for the fuel bowl vent hose, Carter 4844:


So, it looks like the only three pumps presently available new are:

•Inlet and outlet fitting clocked alike, no fuel bowl vent
•Inlet and outlet fitting splayed, no fuel bowl vent
•With fuel bowl vent

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