Slant Six Forum

What 5 speed would you use?
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Author:  Guest [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

If the supra tranny is the same one used in the pickup trucks, you wont have any problems finding parts..............
They are.... nearly.. It's an excellent box.


Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Read this stuff! Everything one needs to know is right there,,,so how much is the AR engineering adapter?

Man! If I didnt already have a 5 speed I would sure want one now!

Author:  Guest [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I didn't see a price for it, but they have some pics of it.




Author:  sixty4dartgt [ Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK so even though Mcleod is working on TKO adapters(mainly for v-8's), we should tell them a T-5 or Toyota supra 5 speed is what we want for the slant.

I think with all the trucks out there, that may be the better candidate. I think they have a oval shape register though.

Does anyone know if the bolt pattern on the Mustang t-5 differs for the different size engines? I think the v-8 tranny would be best, but if someone wanted to use a tranny from a 4 or 6 cyl (like Sandy did), it would be good to know the bolt pattern. If it's the same, then one adapter would fit all. From what I understand, the 94-95 Mustang v-8 has a 3/4" longer shaft and the fork hole is at 7 o'clock rather than 8:30. These might not be good to use.

Does anyone know if the two different slant 6 cranks use the same pilot bushing?

Author:  james longhurst [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:08 am ]
Post subject: 

All the Ford/Chevy T5 input shafts are shorter then what Chrysler used. The closest is from a v6 Mustang.

any idea by how much? that slick needle bearing pilot insert that mopar sells these days might help out with that. unless of course the t-5's input has a different diameter pilot.


Author:  RossKinder [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I had to do a little grinding inside the bellhousing to allow the holes to be drilled for the trans bolts(Mustang bolts through bellhousing into trans)I used Mustang bolts and then "clamped" trans to bellhousing using the stock Valiant bolt holes,total 8 bolts!
All this stuff needs to be registered on center well. Was the turned retainer all that kept that under control? How much did it have to be turned?

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