Slant Six Forum

Where to look for a low gear 904??
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Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Enlighten us, please.

...are we sprechen Deutsche now?
Given that I'm typing this from Frankfurt...ja!

Author:  featherduster76 [ Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Converter

Ok, I'd like to know where is a good source to find a lockup converter,
I need a performance one. Thanks guys...

Author:  73ScampSSS [ Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I heard the governor weights in the tail section must be changed with the rest of the guts, which makes sense, at a lower ratio the same engine rpm would achieve a lower output speed, so it would have to shift sooner

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:28 am ]
Post subject: 

..yeah, but you don't want that with any kinda performance use. Stick with the original weights.


Author:  featherduster76 [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  original 904??

So it seems to me it just maybe best to stick with my 'ol 73 a904??

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: original 904??

So it seems to me it just maybe best to stick with my 'ol 73 a904??
Why? The lower first gear can really help get you out of the hole.


Author:  Rust collector [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does it really make much difference in a light a body?
Could a converter be a good alternative? :?

I guess the low gears would help a heavy car more...

Author:  Lars [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also, though not the cheapest. Mancini racing carries low gear sets for the 904 for about $180. Could save you some scrounging time and such.

Author:  featherduster76 [ Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh ok...Good point taken D/W. I was looking at some lock up converters and noticed they were pretty expensive, so I guess Im juggling my options here...thanks

Author:  Dennis Weaver [ Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh ok...Good point taken D/W. I was looking at some lock up converters and noticed they were pretty expensive, so I guess Im juggling my options here...thanks
You definitely do NOT want the lock-up converter. Just put the low gears in whatcha got.


Author:  Slant6Ram [ Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  On the topic of converters

The use of the low gearset was an economy minded solution to a problem which is already solved by other products. (such as a performance converter)

If you are mostly racing, just get a high stall racing converter. This will get you out of the lights in a hurry with the standard gears.

I don't know where the trade off between performance and street driveability and economy really curves, but I know that the stock converters are leaning heavily to economy.

If you've got the $180 for a mancini gearset, I suggest you instead keep saving and get some better suggestions about what kind of performance converter will stall at a good place for your motor, car, and driving requirements.

I suspect you'll need between $300-$500 for the converter that will really make it zoom! Good Luck!

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