Slant Six Forum

Indy Classic this weekend....
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Author:  featherduster76 [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Nobody knows??

No word yet??? :shock:

Author:  Slant6Ram [ Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Finally

Mike took the win in his aspen.

I let him go in the first round at the battle of the Aspens, I crossed the line first, as I could see the hood of his car in my passenger window. Held him off, but broke out by .01!!!!!

It was a hard loss to swallow, and I couldn't get better than 18.54 (dialed 18.55) all weekend and finally settled on 18.67 with milder shift points in the sportsman class. Didn't get out of the first round there either. I had been hoping to get into the 17's, but the car just wouldn't pull high enough into the power band. Some time at the test and tune next spring should get her tuned into the low 18's with ease.

It was a cold and trying weekend after thrashing half the night on Jim Cox's car (installing a new rear end) and then only finding once we arrived at the track, that the lower control arm bushing was shot and the car would not stop without diving left or right at random. :shock: Needless to say, he didn't even run the car, though it should be in the low 15's once the control arm is fixed.

Seymour got a great shot of his car doing a wheel stand!!

All my modification and rebuilding DID improve my 60' times and made for a much more interesting time in the burn out box. That's right, my sure grip equipt Aspen will now do a killer burnout on both tires. :roll:

Author:  slantzilla [ Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finally

[quote="Slant6Ram"]Mike took the win in his aspen.

I let him go in the first round at the battle of the Aspens, I crossed the line first, as I could see the hood of his car in my passenger window. Held him off, but broke out by .01!!!!!


Tough way to lose one, huh? :(

It was nice finally meeting you though. :D

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