Slant Six Forum

Hood stiffener adhesive?
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Author:  NewSlanter [ Tue May 30, 2006 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

My choice would be 3M 5200 (Marine bedding compound) or SikaFlex 291 (Also a marine bedding compound) Seeing as you're located in WA, you should be able to source some locally (Well, at least within your home state) Try West Marine (2 locations in Seattle, one in Bellview probably more up the coast). It's a bit pricey, but it sticks like $#!* to a blanket.


Author:  Jopapa [ Wed May 31, 2006 2:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ended up using some epoxy formulated for metal that I found at the local hardware store.
1. What brand/kind?

2. Is the result flexible?

The epoxy I used was Liquid Nails Perfect Glue #3, formulated for metal. I just put that on several points of contact between the stiffener and hood, and once that cured I filled the stiffener with Great Stuff foam sealant.

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