Slant Six Forum

Still no spark signal.
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Author:  Rick Covalt [ Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Distributor

Sam, I'm sorry for all these headaches your having and I'm not any help when it come to Electrical stuff. But I do have a brand new Mallory dual pont distributor that I will gladly send to you if it will help in any way. Lou mentioned the points distributor and the Mallory may be a little better than a stock one plus it is new. Just let me know if you want it. You can keep it as long as you need it if it will help you get this worked out.


Author:  Sam Powell [ Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Rick, that is a great offer, and I just might take you up on it. If the tests reveal the Mopar unit isn;t putting out enough, then maybe the Mallory one would be better. In either event, once we figure this out, I might go with the Mallory unit. I will be in touch soon.

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Points act as a 0 to 12V switch, which should work fine as a signal for the DFI computer.

The HEI can be wired up to work like points and make a 0 to 12V switch. I think I sent you the MSEFI web instructions on this wire up, but look here.

Terminals C and B would then go to the DFI hookups and W and G from the mopar dist pickup.


Author:  LUCKY13 [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:18 am ]
Post subject: 

You must of had the older megaquirter system. I am understanding the newer one has timing controll. But like you said thats water under the bridge now.

The resister on the tack line turned out to be in a FORD ONLY install, this resister was at the end of a brown wire that must of been in one of there adapter kits. Unless the blue wire you are trigering the MSD has a resistor at the end of it I dont think it applied to you setup.

Did you see the Diagnostic Flow Chart I meantioned. Like I said I fell sure you are wired right after finding the right info on installation. This chart will tell you what the problem is it would seem. It shows axactly how much voltage is required from the Dizzy & all the curcuits involved with the ignition hook up. If the machanic that is working on it has got that scoop you mentioned I think the flow chart would help him find the problem quick.


Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fred says everything on my end checks out fine, and it should work. He is sending the ECM back to Accel. Fred says he has never seen a bad one before. That is why we fooled around so long checking out everything first. If they test it, and it tests good, then this info on the EFI interface might be needed. Thanks again. I will keep you in touch, but it should be at least a week to get the unit sent out and back if we are lucky. So here I am in the good weather of Summer driving a Honda.

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