Slant Six Forum

oil coming out of the dipstick tube...its everywhere!
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Author:  440_Magnum [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

That all depends on your crank case breather. Stock application for my '82 ram was a breather that had an internal filter and a fitting that then went up to the air cleaner. There was no filtration on the air cleaner, however, just a tube that sucked unfiltered air from the "dirty" side of the filter. I don't see how that gives any advantage. C
The "advantage" is that under WOT the PCV valve stops sucking, and crankcase vapors can blow out the breather cap (the normal "inlet"). If the inlet goes into the air cleaner housing, then the oil and blowby vapors go down the carb instead of gunking up the inside of the engine compartment.

Author:  CStryker [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brilliant observation. Thanks.

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