Slant Six Forum

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Author:  dakight [ Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was reading in another post about how not all fuel gauges will work with Mopar, and sure enough, when I was looking at gauges on Summit, most said something about working with GM from "year-year ". Also, most are 0 ohms (empty)-90 ohms (full), and if I'm not mistaken our are 0-70. I don't really see this as much of an issue though.

My question, what fuel gauges (and electrical temp gauges) work best with Mopars? by the way, I have a 73 Swinger wtih a 68 engine.
All the gauge manufacturers make fuel level gauges that are compatible with Mopar and Ford ( they are for all practical purposes the same ) sending units. Ford and Mopar indate full with about 70 - 75 ohm and empty at about 10 ohms. It's in reverse of the GM method and not at all compatible.

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