Slant Six Forum

What is the next best choice instead of the NGK ZFR5N?
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Author:  khughesprime [ Tue Oct 24, 2006 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got mine from a local store for about 2 bucks a piece and I can buy them and mail them if needed....

Author:  rebel_cat68 [ Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:18 am ]
Post subject: 

They are $2.20 a piece at RockAuto. It's the postage that costs. I wonder if you can get it sent any cheaper.
But I'm supposed to get an answer from my parts dealer later on today.
Let's first see what he has to say. (crossing my fingers)

Author:  rebel_cat68 [ Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok, this is what I was told by my supplier that discussed my problem with the importer.
The importer of NGK plugs said that the European part number is:
ZFR5F - stock number being: N5165.
Why different part numbers for the European vs. American market, who knows. But...
Price per each: 4.48€ = about $5.60.
So I will definitely buy from RockAuto!! It's cheaper even with the postage fee, and if the total value of my buyings including postage is less than 50€ = about $62.50, then I don't have to pay any taxes and I get the plugs directly in my mailbox. Othervise I have to drive 120 miles all in all to the customs and it's not cheap, when a gallon of gas costs $5.90.

So thanks once again for all of you that have been involved in my quest.

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