Slant Six Forum

need some advice on an engine combo
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Author:  Super6 [ Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't see how a set of small tube long primary headers will hurt it?
They'll reduce low-end torque and driveability, which is what you want to maximise in a truck application.
I disagree with that as well Dan. Headers vastly improved power across the board on my slant, even with the 2 bbl (BBD) I had at the time.

As to the loss of intake manifold heat: I drove around in Alaska with headers on my slant, and it was never a problem. Warmup may or may not have taken longer, I never timed it. When it is -20*F the truck was going to be running for 15 minutes before I went anywhere anyway. I never had carb icing issues in Alaska, as the humidity was too low (read, usually 0% ). I did have my carb ice up a handful of times in Montana, over the course of three years. But, in those instances, a 3 minute stop at a convenience store for coffee provided enough heat soak to thaw the carb out. $0.02

Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:02 am ]
Post subject: 

On the topic of headers... Do the short tube ones (ala Clifford) provide much benefit, or are they too short to have any tuning value?


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