Slant Six Forum

BBD Mods
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Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

The other BBD has a metal top with a metal bowl vent fitting coming out the passenger side. The other 2 have plastic vent fitings for the hose.

Jets are .092 with much longer/bigger diameter rods. The jets look like TQ jets. Rods and jets don't interchange!! I have a kit to build this one.

I know a guy that is running a BBD with an angled fuel inlet. It angles from the passenger side. Maybe a 318 Poly carb? Dude says his 318 runs great on it. He might sell it to me :idea:

All of mine are the small 1 1/4 carbs.

What was the cfm?

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I know of a Slant race motor with a BBD on it that was dyno'd a few weeks ago. The stock jets were actually a little rich for it. :shock:
I am finding so many variations of the BBDs AFA jets and rods.

BTW I am all about low buck mods etc. Larry Chesney is a whiz and low buck! Throttle bushings for BBD's are as close as your local McDonalds!!

Maybe even closer! :lol:

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