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I've just discovered steel wool!
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Author:  Wondernaut [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I was messing around with my old windshield, trying to buff out what looked like hard water stains, seeing what worked and what didn't. Even very fine steel wool(or for that matter, sandpaper!) left minute scratches on the glass. Believe it or not, polishing compound and a soft chamois took out the stains with no scratches(yes, there were no scratches even at particular angles)

I am about to get started on the trim on my car, so I am glad this thread popped up.

Author:  ROADRUNNER7169 [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:22 am ]
Post subject: 

A few things iv tried that really worked on glass are

1) if trying to get acid rain off than brass polish and news paper are best

2) if trying to get scratches or hazing off then I use fine steel wool, toothpaste and water (water to dilute the toothpaste) it will leave your windshield minty fresh then I use a news paper and a medium rubbing compound (red)

Author:  sethmcneil [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I've just discovered steel wool!

grade 0000 steel wool

is this a local hardware store kind of find? were not talking about sos pads here...

Author:  Jopapa [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I've just discovered steel wool!

grade 0000 steel wool

is this a local hardware store kind of find? were not talking about sos pads here...
Yeah, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc. has plain steel wool in its various grades of coarseness. And yeah, they're WAYYYY finer than SOS pads.

Author:  64 Convert [ Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Trivia about glass wax

It was "invented" by the same guy that "invented" Mr. Bubble, Harold Schafer. Harold, and his son, Ed, were pretty incredible philanthropists in my home state of North Dakota. Ed was star of the American Junk Yard Wars, as well as governor for 8 years.

It is sad to see glass wax discontinued, as it did work really well, and it isn't replaced by something better.
My family did some projects for one of their concerns, their small tourist town of Medora, ND.
Yep, Harold Schafer was quite a man. I recall running into a guy from Fargo who said he hired Harold as a furniture salesman, but he wasn't cut out for sales. What a thing to put on your resume...I once fired Harold Schafer!

And yes, Glass Wax was fantastic stuff.

FWIW, I lived a few miles up the road from Medora, in New Town.

Author:  rebel_cat68 [ Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:14 am ]
Post subject: 

A few things iv tried that really worked on glass are

1) if trying to get acid rain off than brass polish and news paper are best

2) if trying to get scratches or hazing off then I use fine steel wool, toothpaste and water (water to dilute the toothpaste) it will leave your windshield minty fresh then I use a news paper and a medium rubbing compound (red)
I have been wondering if it's possible to polish the whole windshield from those small scratches that makes "the road dissapear" with head on sunshine.

Did you mean that after using 0000-grade wool and water/toothpaste-blend on the windshield, you still have to use medium rubbing compound and rub it with newspaper before the windshield is "as new". Isn't the wool + blend enough?

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