Slant Six Forum

7 1/4 question
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Author:  rftroy [ Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:34 am ]
Post subject: 

$450 is way too much for me as well, but it depends upon how badly you want it.
If it's a cone type, post-1968 unit, it's not worth it at all. Those are not rebuildable and it's most likely worn out.

The earlier clutch type are rebuildable, but the clutch pack has been NS1 for years. You can try partsvoice to see if one of the vintage parts houses has one in stock, that's how I found mine. P/N for clutch pack repair kit is 2404427.
Good luck.


Author:  Evilsizer [ Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't believe that ratio has ever been made available in the 7 1/4 or any other Chrysler rear axle I'm aware of. 2.76 I would believe. Also, that's about double what I'd pay. I paid $150 for an 8 1/4 open rear end because it's stronger, had the ratio I wanted and I have a loose 8 1/4 Sure-Grip.
yea i miss typed i meant 2.76..hmm ok well i found it on the texas arces site. they has have a EGR BLOCK-OFF pate with gasket for $20.

i might look into the 8.25 then since im looking to improve the feather duster a bit. i thought someone said the added wieght from the 8.25 helped with handling. maybe thats was for his car/body...

Author:  Slant Cecil [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I bought a clutch type SG recently. It was missing the 4 spiders and cross X cross pins. The seller said they are they same as the ones used in a 8.75 clutch type SG
Sorry, but they're nowhere close. The 8.75 is much larger.
See attachments. All part numbers are different.


I said in my post I'm not sure they will swap. I had already looked up the parts in a '67 parts book and saw the different #s.

I'm hoping the #s are wrong or superceded. There have been errors made in manuals, eg too high a torque spec on LA rocker shaft bolts (many have snapped them off from this error) and the Hemi engine code in the '67 Manual is really for a 383.

It's odd that in the '69 parts book, the only SG units and parts are for the 9.75 Dana rear only, nothing for the 7.25 or 8.75. :shrug:

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