Slant Six Forum

New fangled electrics
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Author:  player1up [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:54 am ]
Post subject: 

whew, It's good to see that we can all play nice.

Now to the update, I have installed the taurus cooling fan.... and it is a TIGHT fit, I had to remove some of the webbing on the back of the fan to allow the water pump pulley to sit recessed into the back of the fan. I only have it hooked up on low speed for now as my a/c is not working.

What I've noticed after the swap:
engine RPM does not drop as much when I put it in gear.
engine is much more quiet.
Throttle response is now outstanding... woobah, woobah :)
engine does not go "flat" on the top end like it used to.
( for example it would quit pulling at 3500 and then shift and start pulling again).

oh the fan comes on at 182* ( i have a 180* tstat) and with a temp probe in the rad at the cap, the temp of the coolant never gets above 186* even idling for 30 minutes.
All in all it seems the motor likes not having the big air brake on the front.
Everyone will have to wait for longevity tests.

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