Slant Six Forum

Bent pushrods and a 5 cylinder journey?
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Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  A possible pushrod source Their front page says they specialise in sending parts for US-spec vehicles worldwide, though their checkout page looks formatted to accept a US address. They list the pushrods for $3.09/ea.

Author:  60 Plymouth [ Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  rocker screws?

Hi Guys,

I did a valve adjustment today using Dan's treatment, works a treat. Sounded great for a while. Turns out though that one of my rocker adjuster screws (we call it tappet adjustment in the UK, this was for #3 exhaust) works loose occasionally. This would explain the locknut fitted to it (perhaps should have mentioned that before, even though it was the #3 intake that failed). I can hear a faint clicking that I am pretty sure is one of the screws loosening again.
I know Dan suggests burring the screw over a little to tighten the fit (replacing the rocker being the better option), but this screw seems to have seen the end. The threads in the rocker arms look good, it's just the screw/pushrod seat component that appears to be worn. I was wondering if it is at all possible to get these new or will I have to obtain the whole rocker arms?
I reckon I should be able to persuade the screw to stay put for a while, it has been tight for 15 years so with the locknut, but if the screws themselves can be obtained then there is no reason not to replace the loose ones.

Once again, thanks for all your help in getting me this far. It's great to know that there is a good body of knowledge about these engines.
Thanks again,
60 Ply

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Clevite #2141022, 1off. Looks like the aforementioned D&M Auto have it for under $3 apiece. Might as well get 12off.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

The interference fit is built into the adjusting screw so a new screw might make it better. If not you should be able to find someone willing to post you a serviceable rocker arm.

Author:  65cudaman [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

hi again, super slow build up of my '65 slant six has resulted in a temporarily stuck valve (now free) but bent the push rod. Is there a recommended source for a replacement push rod?

Thanks again for all the help. head was sitting too long after valve job.

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, send me a PM, with your address, and I can send you a good used pushrod. 225 engine or 170?

Author:  PiD v4.0 [ Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Running with the pushrods removed, and the valves closed, is effectively the same as what the gen3 Hemi 5.7 does, when it switches to Cylinder Deactivation mode on cruise.

As long as the valves were closed, the air inside the cylinder becomes a spring, which changes its elastic value according to heat and pressure, and the speed at which it gets compressed, which is why you found it smoother once she got up and running.

Someone mentioned 3 month with a spun number 6 bearing?

Try 2 years, while the family mechanic kept saying it was just a loose cover plate rattling.

Slants are not easily broken.

PiD v4.0

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