Slant Six Forum

vacuum cans & advance questions
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Author:  Blackdog [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  vacuum advance pinging and rough idle

Several posts refer to adjusting the vac can. I have two different cans and neither seems to have any adjustment. I was looking for a nut around the air nipple (no don't).

The motor has been running good but has had a chronic miss at idle. I found that the vac can was not working and replaced it with a long arm can. Right now I have it advanced to 2 btdc but still get light pinging under load. So it is actually running worse with a working can.

My parts guy does not know of an adjustable can. Who makes one. Does it matter which dizzy I am running ?(pre 76 points or 77-80 eletric right?)

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