Slant Six Forum

cold air intake questions
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Author:  steponmebbbboom [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:02 am ]
Post subject: 

he's already ordered the kit.

he's asking what we think of the mod. my thoughts?

kind of pointless to ask after youve already gone out and bought it in the first place. i would not have spent the money when i needed it so badly for other things. go ahead and put it on now, you may pay for it in fuel savings in a year if you keep your foot out of it.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

That test that debunks K&N's BS is here.

Author:  lincparts [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  cold air



Here is my $9.00 COLD AIR INTAKE. iTS A 3" DRYER DUCTING. I cut a hole in the front of the stock air cleaner and routed it into the 2 3/4 in hole into the firewall. I only pushed the battery back as far it will go o the tray. I cut some notches into the end and pushed it into said hole. I was going to cut the firewall but didn't have the heart to do it....

Author:  lincparts [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  missing link

i'm missing this "nascar brake duct" , this screws into the back of the firewall in front of the battery and the duct will plug into it.


Author:  MiDi [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, Midi I sent you the files of my simple high mounted ram air intake.
Go ahead and post them. :D

yes sir!






Author:  MiDi [ Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

he's already ordered the kit.

he's asking what we think of the mod. my thoughts?

kind of pointless to ask after youve already gone out and bought it in the first place. i would not have spent the money when i needed it so badly for other things. go ahead and put it on now, you may pay for it in fuel savings in a year if you keep your foot out of it.
it's on order, an being billed to account. if someone here said it was an extemely stupid idea or bad for my motor i wouldn't of even opened the box it came in and stuck it right back on the truck. i am really trying to squezze out what i can for air flow and i really want the modern look.

half classic,part euro, part ricer ..... all slant six!

Author:  SV162 [ Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've been playing with CAI over the last few weeks. Here's 2 of my setups.

This one really is a "slightly less warm" air intake, but the carb seemed to be cooler without the 14" drop base air cleaner over it and the induction sound of the engine was a lot deeper. As far as performance increase goes, I didn't notice any.

This next setup was getting cooler air, those who know the early '60's Valiant know there is a fair gap between the hood and the body at the front. At idle I could actually feel a slight air flow with the hood shut, hard to believe I know. This setup was fine until the secondary barrels on the carb opened, big bog/flat spot. I guess just not enough air getting to the carb.

I've still got some more ideas that I'll post as I try them.

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

It did improve mileage and performance
I don't doubt you, but I doubt it.
Dan, if it wouldn't have done any good I would have said so. I think you know by now that I do not make endorsements for "snake oil" products.

A Dakota R/T is not what you would call a gas mileage vehicle to start with. Anything you can do to one will usually help, especially when pulling a trailer. If you've ever seen the stock air intake on one you would see why a CAI system will help.

Author:  Karasik87 [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

what did you do to use the k&n one. Is it a kit, or did you custom make it? I really like the look of that

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Bog/flat spot with ducted intake air

This setup was fine until the secondary barrels on the carb opened, big bog/flat spot. I guess just not enough air getting to the carb.
Don't be so sure about that!

All the '60 and many of the '61 slant-6 cars had a totally enclosed air cleaner housing with a round snorkel. There was a technical service bulletin covering various driveability problems including surge at steady highway speed and a flat spot or hesitation when accelerating to increase speed while already on the highway. The fix was really easy: make sure the air cleaner was installed so the snorkel points across the valve cover, not forward. At the time I discovered this, I had a 2bbl on my '65 with a stock '66-'68 273-2bbl air cleaner: Enclosed w/snorkel. It ran well. As an experiment, I pointed the snorkel forward and went for a test drive. Big surprise, amigo: surge at steady speed on the highway, flat spot when increasing speed on the highway. I pulled off, rotated the air cleaner to put the snorkel across the valve cover, got back on the highway, and the surge and flat spot were gone.

So it is not always the case that trying to create a sort of ram-force induction via a ducted air cleaner snorkel is necessarily a good thing.

Author:  SV162 [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

what did you do to use the k&n one. Is it a kit, or did you custom make it? I really like the look of that
No it's not a kit. The carb hat was originally a duel fuel lpg hat that I cut the lpg mixer off and polished it up. The opening is oval shaped, about 2" x 4", I just used a 3.75" to 3" silicone reducer to step down to the 3" aluminium pipe that I bought from the local parts store and put the filter on the end. I'm not sure if I like the look of a pod filter under the hood of a '62 car. Others have told me they like it but I'm not sure.

Thanks for the info Dan. When I first took the car for a spin and I hit the flat spot I pulled over and removed the 3" flexi pipe and there was no change, the flat spot was still there, even with the snorkel pointed across the valve cover. So I pulled over again and replaced the air cleaner with my 14" x 3" open element air cleaner.......flat spot gone.
I think the main issue here is that I used the 14 x 3 filter and base under that air cleaner top, which I don't think is ideal, there's not much breathing space. The original filter for that air cleaner is 10 x 3" which I don't have and can't use because the original base is for a 2BBL. It's hard to get a 4BBL Mopar factory air cleaner over here, but I'm looking.

This is what I mean about the 14" air filter being a tight fit, not much breathing space. And it is on the wrong side of the air deflector.

Author:  Karasik87 [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I totally dig the pod air filter. Would love to run one on my car. How is it supported? Is it just the torque from the wing nut holding it up?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the main issue here is that I used the 14 x 3 filter and base under that air cleaner top, which I don't think is ideal
Oh wow, yeah, that is going to cut way down on airflow! The air filter element in this case becomes a huge restriction and you're choked way down.

Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

what did you do to use the k&n one. Is it a kit, or did you custom make it? I really like the look of that
It was a bolt-on kit. I like it, but I did not have to pay list price.

According to the guys on the Dakota/Durango board there are better ones out there.

The stock air intake is a turd. :shock:

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:52 pm ]
Post subject: 


Midi posted my set up which is doing fine, no surges or flat spots at all.
In fact, the engine is very gutsy and strong. I had it up to 90 mph this morning on the freeway on ramp.
As you can see I use an electric fan and am pulling air ahead of the radiator. I haven't experienced what your describing.

On the service bulletin you mentioned pointing the snorkel basically 90 degrees to the fan, over the valve cover.
I wonder if the stock fan blades disrupt the flow of air into the snorkel at certain speeds?
What are your thoughts on the matter?

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