Slant Six Forum

Got water in the valve Cover
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Author:  Ron Parker [ Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

The compression numbers look good. My race engine sometimes gets condensation in the vavle covers. Get it hot cooldown ect. If the oil stays clear on the dip stick I would say you are ok. Thanks Ron parker :D

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Author:  emptypockett [ Sun Nov 09, 2008 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  moisture in my valve cover

I'm going to believe that it's just condesation.Tough one living in my climate where there is like no humity.All your suggestions are good ones.I'll get a test kit and the next time I have off the valve cover I'll test it.Will it work considering I only have 1 qt of red coolant and the rest water and a additive?It's worth checking.I'm also going to try and get a good radiator sealant,I hate leaks! I'm also going to recheck my compression with the motor hot I thought the #s would be closer considering the extent of machinig for this build.I'm running a PCV system and plug it when using the evac system for hard running.As alway the information is good and well worth the price of my donation.Just about time to give Chuck and Doc another for keeping this site up and hope everyone else does the same.

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Keep it up, Mr. Pockett!

I agree with Ron. Get it nice and hot (30 min running at least), in the middle of a sunny day, and then check oil and/or pull valve cover to look for water. If you don't see any, what you saw was condensation.


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