Slant Six Forum

Factory mistake? Or dealer change?
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Author:  lowbudget [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

That is one cherry looking truck. It looks like your Grandfather kept it well maintained.

Author:  65Dodge100 [ Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks! Yes, it was my grandfather’s pride and joy. When he was looking for a new house, the garage was the first thing he looked at. He always kept an old clunker around so he wouldn’t have to drive it - and he kept a camper in the back so no one would ask him to haul anything. In the winter he’d jack it up, remove the wheels and tires and wrap them up in aluminum foil. I was 13 years old before I got a peak at it in the garage. It still smelled new inside. The next time that I was allowed to see it I was 26. Eccentric? Ehh, maybe.

He would actually disown my entire family if he saw it in the shape it is now. No one understood and it took me almost 10 years to strike a deal with the not-so old-car oriented people who ended up with it. When he passed away the outside looked just as good as the inside. My grandmother almost gave it away to a neighbor once - he needed something to haul firewood. She did give away his 76 Newport with about 40k miles on it so it wasn’t an idle threat.

It still doesn’t look too bad with some wax on it though. I’ll paint it eventually.


Author:  zorg [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have seen that twice...

but the plate said 3.91, and when we pulled the pig it was stamped 3.5-.
I have a 7 1/4 with two id tags. Two different id tags...

65Dodge100, in case you haven't see it yet: has some good info, parts sources, and a great forum. Beautiful truck, by the way!

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