Slant Six Forum

some new slant parts coming soon....
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Author:  dakight [ Thu May 14, 2009 5:38 am ]
Post subject: 

With all due respect, the question was answered; for intake valves it is 1.70" and 1.44" for exhaust valves. Other sizes and types are used but those are the most popular, easiest to install and readily available at a fair price.

Everyone appreciates any efforts to improve the availability of parts for our cars and the work you did with the pistons and rods was outstanding and appreciated. However, the deal with the vlaves is simply reinventing the wheel. Your efforts, as well intentioned as they are are misdirected in this case.

Please just take a deep breath and settle down just a little. No one has a chip on their shulder but you have gotten unnecessarily defensive. It's better to find out now that what you were wanting to do is unneeded than after you've spent many hours and $$$ in a wasted effort.

Author:  Doc [ Thu May 14, 2009 8:43 am ]
Post subject: 

... Trust me I have learned my lesson on wether to ask for advice here to help bring parts to people...
Please realize that this is a knowledgable group when it comes to SL6 parts and performance, so yes, they are goint to "think deep" and responces will reflect that.

As noted, your intentions are appreciated but your efforts, hard work and $$ should be focused on something else.
Currently, O/S valves for the SL6 are well covered by at 3 suppliers that I know of.

In the past, I have used the sbc, the f@rd and even BB Mopar valves in performance SL6 heads. Then I got a set of Enginebuilder valves and have been using them ever since. If you have never seen a set, I suggest you purchase some. Once you see them, you will understand... excellent quality, great service and a low cost... they are something that is hard to match or beat.

Author:  madmax/6 [ Thu May 14, 2009 11:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

And I just ran a 8.425 tonight in the 1/8th with them,all motor,mark

Author:  mopardemon71 [ Thu May 21, 2009 8:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Well fine then :roll: .... seems that I got the wrong info on what we use for valves. I was under the impression more people used 11/32 stemmed valves fro a performance build and they used sb chevy stuff. Seeing that the majority of people use OEM valve length no ned for a "new" part. check out the listing in "PARTS FOR SALE" I have got us a sweet deal on 1.6 rockers. Thanks and sorry if I sound a bit.....short with you guys.

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