Slant Six Forum

air compressir dryer
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Author:  funnyceline [ Thu May 13, 2010 8:03 am ]
Post subject: 

I think it would be better for you to go to some home depots and try to search for some air compressors and some other products like air coolers. You might see some units that would really suit to your needs. It is just a matter of perseverance anyway.

Author:  DadTruck [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

there is a lot of info available on air compressor piping. The article below summarizes all the info that is good from what I have found. Note: there is a dispute on using copper vs black vs galvanized pipe. I went with copper due to the ease of setting the lengths, no threading,, superior heat transfer characteristics.

I used the "Air Compressor Piping Layout" shown at the bottom of the page. To save space for racks and shelves I folded the piping back over it self and put it all on one wall instead of three. I did use the air off the top and the riser principles.

Photos and a diagram of my layout are here ... 888065562/

with this I'll have three "qualities" of air
1) cooled, regulated, desiccant dried and filtered
2) cooled, regulated, filtered and oiled
3) cooled, regulated, filtered

maybe the best decision was putting the air compressor in a separate shed outside of the main garage. I already like that.

Author:  emsvitil [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

1. What size tubing did you use?

2a. How long do the air dryers last?
2b. What's your usual outside temp and humidity?

Author:  DadTruck [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

by all logic I could have used 1/2 , do the math, the price difference between 1/2 and 3/4 for tubing, tee's, couplings is nickels and dimes once one commits to buying 50 feet of copper. Went with 3/4 for additional capacity and cooling. I did go down to 1/2 inch for the valves as there is a big price break for 1/2 in comparison to 3/4 inch valves. The advantage to a set up like this is several long runs,, less solder joints, the dis advantage is the length of the drops.
Indy is hot and humid June-July-August,, and this year Sept,,don't see 100 here , but do see 25+ days of 90+F and 70+ humidity

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