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Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 


Thanks for posting the real-time spread sheet. It works pretty we need some sample info on how the curves were produced. Such as distributor number, governor, springs and vacuum pods used.....
It would be good reference data to have.

The various vacuum pod info could be canned in a graph and measured with a vaccum pump. I know CJ and other have had access to many pods and measured them.
Then those numbers would be constant and could easily be transferred to the spread sheet. With that info it would be much easier to pick the right pod for a given spring set.

The information would really help if we were competing in pure stock drags where you have to use stock tires and are trying to reduce wheels spin. Many of the V8, 10 second cars have a very slow advance rate to reduce wheel spin using stock tires. I know my curve is a little to aggressive for stock tires even using a 2.76 Sure-Grip, but pretty good on mileage.

I agree with wjajr on the instructions It would also be nice to know what pod was used, 6.5R, 8.5R, 11R, etc. and part numbers for the pod on Doc's purple curve and also what springs he used.......color, gauge and and how many turns/coils and over all length.
It would really be nice if his purple line was based on "bigslant6fan's" MOPAR spring kit. :D


We have been married 34 years this year and my wife actually enjoys my little yellow Dart Swinger. We have taken many long trips in it.......but she is spoiled with her 72 Imperial and it's smooth ride and leather seats...... :lol:

Author:  DonPal [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:02 am ]
Post subject: 

could you add a primmer illustrating just where & how one would enter his data
I'll add the following instruction at the top of the recurve spreadsheet:
1)Aften opening it to your computer under your own file name(command: SAVE AS; enter file name: WjarDart1 for example; press SAVE)
2)Highlight a green "RPM" cell(ie: highlight cell K9)
3)Type your correct RPM # into cell K9 (replacing the existing RPM #)
4)Highlight a green corresponding "deg" cell (ie: highlight cell L9)
5)Type your correct deg number into cell L9 (replacing the existing deg #)
6)Continue highlighting each green cell (K9 to L13 & K23 to L26) & enter your numbers
7)Save file again (verify file name (ie: WjarDart1))
8)Study graphical results
9)If you want to change stock curves from 1965 225 start with highlighting cell A4 & type in the value for your year car, Continue highlighting all cells A4 to B8 & A18 to B20 & enter your numbers
10)Save to your file name often

If these instructions need further detail send me a PM & we will work together until we have instructions that work for all.

The recurve spreadsheet has all the formulas & graphs as part of the sheet & update each time you enter raw data into the correct cell. Your mission is to get your specific data into the correct cells to get the automatic results.

Author:  wjajr [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

We have been married 34 years this year and my wife actually enjoys my little yellow Dart Swinger. We have taken many long trips in it.......but she is spoiled with her 72 Imperial and it's smooth ride and leather seats......
I now see the problem, it is clear, very clear…

1, You got the car gal first by a year.

2. My wife’s dad had a 73 Imperial when we met, and that was the mode of transportation she was accustom to, I had a 270 Dart 2 door hardtop, with a 273, three on the tree in those days.

3. She dose like the 300 C, but it is still just a refrigerator to her, not a fun generating device.

4. She thinks my yellow Dart is ugly, and brakes-down too often. Once, had a little transmission linkage problem when I first got it back on the road. Just missing cotter pin, but she still asks if is going to brake down. And, a cooked top hydraulic pump that manifested during one damn nasty HD thunderstorm fifty miles from home, and she was not even along for the ride that time…

Author:  DonPal [ Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

now we need some sample info on how the curves were produced. Such as distributor number, governor, springs and vacuum pods used.....
My guess is that there are more than 100 combinations.

The spreadsheet contains results from a test on a 3874714 distributor using 11R vacuum pod, 15R govenor, longest looped spring in combination with the heavy black spring with the Pod turned out 3 turns from bottomed out with 10 deg initial.

The intent was to provide a spreadsheet that everyone could customize for their unique conditions rather than post a picture of a particuliar setup. Consequently there is no mention on the sheet of the unique combo tested.

Doc provided suggested values at different rpms & in HG as a starting point

I have a long series of tests needed to compare MPG with different distributor setups over the range of seasons & driving conditions......quantify, quantify, quantify. I might post results after that on a particuliar setup that resulted in best MPG with plots & part callouts.

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