Slant Six Forum

using vinegar for radiator flush ???
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Author:  brian72valiant [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had problems flushing out my brothers cooling system on his 65 newport.

long story avoided - we had to turn on the heater - to allow the coolant to flow all thru and flush out the heater box wich was hiding a bunch of yucky stuff in there.

so next flush - turn on your heater.
run the car a bit
drain and re fill
run the car more - turn on the heater again for 10 min.
drain again and then refil with proper coolants
and then good to go.

Author:  rustyfords [ Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cleaning radiator

....if you use de-ionized water (i.e. distilled) for your coolant mix your "grubby" water should go away eventually.
De-ionized water is not the same thing as distilled water.

De-ionized water is water that has been passed through a membrane or media that removes ionic compounds, but leaves nonionic compounds in place.

Distilled water, on the other hand, is the trapped condensate from a distillation process and is pure H2O.

For the purposes of this thread, they both provide the desired effect as it is typically the dissolved salts (ionic compounds) that gunk up a cooling system. The de-ionized water doesn't have these in it, and the distilled water is nothing but water.

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