Slant Six Forum

Passenger wheel trouble!
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Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:39 am ]
Post subject: 

In your original post you mentioned checking the ball joints by trying to wiggle the tire while the car is on a lift. That procedure will NOT reveal a bad ball joint.

Raise the tire off the ground slightly by jacking underneath the lower control arm, close to the drum.

Now place a flat bar between the tire and the floor. Use the bar to move the tire up and down. Any play there (Chrysler says over .070 of travel) means you have a bad ball joint.

- Mac

Author:  Nongan [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I probably should have mentioned that I did load the Lca when I tested ball joints. Sorry guys :oops:

Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Excellent! No criticism meant... just wanted to be sure you were checking them properly. They're pretty important things!

- Mac

Author:  Nongan [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

She's back together! And handles 40 times better than before! I know this isn't the engine section but i was driving it after putting it all back together and it died a couple times when i stopped, I got tired of it so I pulled over and pulled off the air cleaner and a bunch of vapor went everywhere, can someone explain this to me, I've never had it happen before.


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