Slant Six Forum

Distributor governor slot lengths
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Author:  kesteb [ Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have pulled distributors apart and have 15 and 9 governors slots measure the same...
I hope I don't confuse the matter, but for the total mech advance figure, isn't the distance between the outer slot ends what matters, and not the slot length itself, or are all slots supposed to start at the same distance from governor center?

There are also serial numbers stamped into the weights, are there differences in the distance between center of hole vs. pin center vs. spring perch center, for the different part numbers, or is the weight's mass, or center of gravity, different?

As an example, the governor (from a 318) #R11 uses a weight #1889264, and I think the same weight is used in my '77 Aspen, which has a #9 governor. The #1889264 weight's mass is 57 grams.

For those who is unaware of it, many parts interchange between SL6 and V8 distributors.

I measured, in this particular example the slots started the same distance from the shaft and they were the same length.

Author:  Josh P [ Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Olaf, I too wondered about the slot length positions and came to the conclusion that I was over-thinking the process. The movement of the weights would be set no matter if they start closer in or further out. However it would have some effect regarding centrifugal force, but I would guess it wouldn't be that great. Also I could see slight variations in spring tension as they are stretched further from the center of the governor, but again probably minimal effect on the curve.

Everybody who weighed in with governor slot lengths, thanks looks like we have a pretty solid list.

Author:  olafla [ Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Josh P, that is why I asked if anyone knew what the different part numbers on the weights mean. If all weights have the same basic layout and distances between the parts that are involved as the weights move, a slot ending further out will let the weights swing out more. That may in theory place a different load on the springs in the last part of their stretch.

My thread I modified my distributor for easy recurve tests may also be of interest. The reason for me not following up on that thread yet, is that I discovered that I had a 7-8 degree slack in the timing chain, and I still haven't replaced it.


Author:  bigslant6fan [ Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  .

If the board moderators want to add this to my "distributer recurve" post in the FAQ section,I'm fine with that.

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