Slant Six Forum

electric choke
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Author:  65Dodge100 [ Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I understand the goal. I checked everything under the hood and the starter relay was going to be my first choice but as you say it's hot all the time. I cut my 12v wire to the ballast resistor (this was just yesterday) and thought I had it all figured out.

Then I found your post this morning telling me how bad that was so I know I have to change it. Relays are still gobbly-goop to me. I'm starting to understand the reasoning more now though. I understand how they work. You just trigger the relay from the resistor wire but the power comes from the starter wire.

Easy enough to talk about but I don't think I can do it without more instruction about how to wire the resistor. I've been looking for a reason to buy something else from Dan but I don't know what to do with it when I get it.

I still can't believe there isn't a 12v switched source somewhere. I sure miss a fuse box...


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