Slant Six Forum

Vacuum line question
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Author:  Turbo Toad [ Thu May 17, 2012 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Man, that's lookin' GOOD Aaron!!! Love that header..... :)

Bill, in Conway, Arkansas
Thanks Bill only time will tell how things will work out

Author:  billdedman [ Thu May 17, 2012 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 


You're right; I'm just glad that we're both finally gettin' our projects down to what should be the FUN part, now.

Did you ever get your home-brewed 1.6:1 rocker arms installed on your engine?

That guy who was supposed to T.I.G.-weld ours up, apparently took me at my word when I told him there was "no hurry"; I haven't heard from him since... :( That's been several months, now.

Guess I need to give him a call and wake him up. I'd like to try those things out after I get a performance baseline with the stock rockers. No reason I can see, why they shouldn't work... I hope I get to find out, one of these days.... LOL!

Author:  bigslant6fan [ Fri May 18, 2012 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  .

The PCV is still connected the the original carb fitting, the other larger breather in connected between the turbo compressor inllet and the air cleaner. (lower right corner of pic)

Author:  Turbo Toad [ Fri May 18, 2012 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: .

The PCV is still connected the the original carb fitting, the other larger breather in connected between the turbo compressor inllet and the air cleaner. (lower right corner of pic)

Oh I see it now thanks

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