Slant Six Forum

1986 Dodge B-150: Sitting Up 2 Years and trying to resurrect
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Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Great news! Lean Burn was one of those systems that tried to do too many things with the limited technology available at the time. Computers rule the automotive universe in 2012... but in the 1980s they simply weren't quite ready for primetime.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Curious. Are there any articles here where I can find which parts to rip out and leave out? For example, since I no longer need to pass emissions, I'd like to take off not just the lean burn system components but also all the emissions crap such as the exhaust blower that mounts to the lower right of the air condition compressor, etc.
Lean Burn conversion article
HEI swap instructions

I used to own an 86 Dodge van that I switch from lean burn to HEI. The simplest way to convert from lean burn to HEI is to use the (+) coil feed as the (+) feed to trigger the relay that powers the HEI unit. Then all you do is swap out the distributor and the carburetor and leave all the other wiring alone. It is really a VERY simple system to install.

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