Slant Six Forum

Large Port Intake Gaskets
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Author:  Exner Geek [ Sat May 11, 2013 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ron Heath says that he just got a reasonably priced thick intake gasket from Clifford. You can use a router bit on a Dremel tool to match them to any size port. Spraying on some Pam helps if you want to try to reuse them.

Author:  AussieSpeed [ Mon May 20, 2013 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  AussieSpeed large port gaskets $30.00 is for 3 gaskets

just thought i would clear up that with the large port gaskets The $90.00 is for three gaskets. freight, packaging for 1 only gasket is a bit difficult so we sell them in a pack of 3..

Author:  64ragtop [ Mon May 20, 2013 3:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for that clarification, Aussie. Can you update us on all of your sales and shipping procedures, please? I keep looking at your website and drooling, but it seems that some prices include shipping worldwide but not all.

Just for grins, I clicked on the link in your post to your Aussie home and found reference to a U.S. distribution center in Mississippi. Another page I found with google shows you looking for a U.S. brick and mortar distributor. So, what is the latest info, please.


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